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Red Sea Risk

As attacks on commercial shipping to continue in the Red Sea, Lloyd's List offers the latest insight, analysis and commentary on how the crisis is impacting shipping markets and global trade


Latest News & Analysis

Bab el Mandeb and Suez transits hit fresh lows in September

International efforts to degrade the Houthis’ capabilities and to protect maritime trade have failed to deter the militant group’s attacks and have not been enough to get shipping to return to the Red Sea

Red Sea Risk Piracy and Security

Salvors put out fires on board Houthi-hit Sounion

It has been 49 days since the Houthis attacked the Delta Tankers suezmax Sounion, but salvors have finally extinguished the 18 separate fires that have been burning

Red Sea Risk Tankers and Gas

Fires nearly out on burning Sounion

Salvors boarded the stricken tanker in September once it was finally towed to safety more than three weeks after it was first attacked

Red Sea Risk Tankers and Gas

Houthis resume shipping attacks amid concerns over Russian missile support

Houthis ended a month-long lull in attacks by targeting what they erroneously describe as a ‘British oil ship’. The haphazard targeting has further fuelled fears that rumoured Russian missiles could be about to increase the risk for ships beyond the Red Sea

Red Sea Risk Tankers and Gas

Saudi ports bear brunt of lines’ Red Sea contingency plans

Carriers’ dual east-west trade offerings for 2025 show Jeddah and King Abdullah as the ports that stand to lose the most from sustained rerouting around the Cape of Good Hope

Containers Ports and Logistics

Industry issues updated Red Sea transit guidelines

The Joint Industry Security Group of shipping industry associations has released ‘industry transit advice’ on Red Sea transits. No Houthi attacks have been reported to the UKMTO during the past two weeks, although the militants attempted to strike central Israel in the early hours of Friday

Red Sea Risk Risk and Compliance

Red Sea crisis remains chief driver of containership demand growth says BIMCO

BIMCO expects weaker containership demand in 2025 due to falling cargo volumes; however, its outlook differs, depending on the duration of Red Sea avoidance

Containers Red Sea Risk

First tanker arrives in Houthi-controlled Hodeidah port since July air strikes

A 14,895 dwt combined chemical and oil tanker has moored at the port of Hodeidah, the first vessel set to discharge at the Houthi-controlled port since Israeli air strikes destroyed much of the its fuel storage infrastructure in July

Red Sea Risk Tankers and Gas
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