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The Lloyd’s List Podcast: Shipping's biggest questions answered by the experts

A special edition of the weekly Lloyd’s List Podcast discussing the biggest questions facing shipping over the next 12 months

Lloyd’s List has been polling the industry on everything from AI to zero carbon fuels over the past months and the results formed the backbone of the discussions at our annual Outlook Forum in London last week, with a panel of experts offering the analysis and context. This week’s podcast offers you a few highlights from the events including views from Citi, Shell and Intertanko on: the greatest challenge to the future efficiency of operations in shipping, the greatest threat to the shipping industry over the next five years and the question of which fuel is going to propel shipping into a zero carbon future. 

REGULAR listeners to the podcast will have clocked that we have been polling the Lloyd’s List readership and our various social media channels for the past month in a bid to gauge sentiment in a marketing being battered by some fairly fearsome economic headwinds.

Perhaps unsurprisingly the responses confirmed that uncertainty pervades the industry, but the results, which were discussed at length by an expert panel of industry leaders during our Outlook 2020 Forum held in London on December 10, do at least offer some much needed insight on current industry thinking, however unsure that may be right now.

For this week’s podcast Lloyd’s List Editor, Richard Meade, offers listeners a few of the most insightful thoughts discussed at the London Forum.

For a more detailed analysis and full audio recording the debate, you can head here.

Enjoy the podcast and don’t forget, you can now subscribe to the Lloyd’s List Podcast via iTunes and Spotify, as well as most other podcast providers. And make sure you are registered for a free account on Lloydslist.com so you can receive our Daily Briefing e-mail.






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