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Have your say! The Lloyd’s List Shipping Outlook Survey: 2025 and beyond

Results of the poll will be revealed on December 5 at the annual Lloyd’s List Outlook Forum in London

Have your say in our annual Shipping Outlook: 2025 and beyond survey, where we assess market sentiment on the key challenges impacting the maritime industry in the decade ahead

LLOYD’S LIST’s shipping outlook poll is the annual litmus test on the issues keeping industry leaders awake at night.

Each year, we ask our readers and industry partners to cast their votes on the topics that will shape shipping businesses in the year ahead. The results of the survey are then discussed at the Lloyd’s List Outlook Forum and analysed in our annual end of year Outlook report.

This year’s outlook poll lands amid a period of profound transformation for shipping — marked by decarbonisation, heightened security risks, and evolving regulations. The outcome of regulatory discussions on carbon pricing, the influx of trade-defining tariffs and the looming prospect of an extended period of rate decline are all weighing heavily on strategic thinking right now. And of course there’s also the wildcard factor of what Trump 2.0 means for shipping. 

To enter that conversation and get a clearer view on what the rest of the industry is thinking right now, your first step is to complete this year’s poll questions. There are just 13 multiple choice questions and it will only take a few minutes of your day to complete. 

The results will be unveiled at our annual Outlook Forum, which this year returns to Trinity House in London on the morning of December 5. Spaces are limited, but you can register your interest in attending at the end of the survey.

To complete this year’s Outlook Poll, follow the link via the banner below.






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