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How worried should we really be about cyber security?

Listen to the latest edition of the Lloyd’s List’s weekly podcast — your free weekly briefing on the stories shaping shipping

Lloyd’s List reporter Joshua Minchin talks to cyber security experts to assess the current threat level to shipping and ask whether shipowners should be more worried now than they have been before


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TEN years or so ago, when the University of Plymouth ran their first cybersecurity symposium, the number attendees barely made double figures.

This week, held in the main hall of the International Maritime Organization on London’s Albert Embankment, the same event attracted more than 300, from shipping companies in almost every sector.

Clearly, the topic has gained attention and traction, partly down to the repeated warnings of horror stories the industry continues to receive, right the way up to hackers being able to remotely control very large crude carriers.

There have been several high-profile cyber incidents in shipping since the devastating NotPetya attack, which cost Maersk more than $250m in 2017.  

The port of Seattle, the port of Lisbon and class society DNV can all count themselves victims of cyber attacks in the past two years.

But the apocalyptic vision that has been painted for the industry time and time again hasn’t materialised yet.

So, how worried should we really be about cyber security in shipping?

Joining Lloyd’s List’s Joshua Minchin on the podcast this week are:

  • Kevin Jones, professor of computer science and director of the Maritime Cyber Threats Research Group, University of Plymouth

  • Daniel Ng, chief executive, Cyberowl

  • Svante Einarsson, head of cybersecurity maritime for EMEA and APAC, DNV

  • Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen, maritime chief executive, DNV


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