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MSC and ENI sign sustainability MOU

The two companies will seek to develop joint initiatives to decarbonise

Included in the agreement is the potential use of LNG as a fuel, as well as hydrotreated vegetable oil and bio-LNG on the MSC fleet

MEDITERRANEAN Shipping Co and Italian energy giant ENI have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to work on sustainability initiatives together.

In the agreement is the potential to use liquified natural gas, bio-LNG and hydrotreated vegetable oil as a fuel for MSC’s fleet.

But more generally, ENI said the agreement aims to create “new synergies” between the two companies’ work, including the storage and transport of biofuels by rail, road and sea.

MSC group president Diego Aponte said his company was “focused on achieving a successful energy transition and to do this we need the partners we can trust and rely on. Eni has been one of these partners for many years and this MoU is a welcome and natural evolution of our relationship”.

While ENI chief executive Claudio Descalzi said his company was “confident that together we will be able to develop and implement decarbonisation initiatives, that provide an important contribution to the sector and to the reduction of emissions from our transport systems”.

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