What to look out for in 2025 in the tanker, container and dry bulk markets
Listen to the latest edition of the Lloyd’s List’s weekly podcast — your free weekly briefing on the stories shaping shipping
Lloyd’s List’s editorial team gives you a head start for 2025 by discussing the most important things to look out for next year in their field
MARKETS seldom behave how they are supposed to.
This was the year container liners were supposed to start feeling the pain of incessant ordering and dry bulk was supposed to finish with a flourish.
So why didn’t that happen, and what should we be looking out for next year?
The Lloyd’s List’s markets team, which is comprised of Greg Miller (senior maritime reporter), James Baker (containers editor) and Robert Willmington (markets editor) gathered to discuss the year just gone and attempt to do the impossible and offer you some insight into the future.
They took a look at the container, tanker, dry bulk and shipbuilding markets and tell you what you should be looking out for in 2025.