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Lloyd’s List Containers: Big interviews & big data

The Interview: Søren Skou

When Maersk’s group revenue shrank from $60bn to $35bn between 2011 and 2016, the board of directors called for an urgent strategic review. That led to the decision to break up the Danish shipping and energy conglomerate, with  Søren Skou appointed chief executive of AP Moller-Maersk and charged with creating an integrated container transport logistics company. Three years on, $17bn worth of transactions have been completed as Mr Skou aims to restore shareholder value

Europe Denmark Maersk Group

The Interview: Christian R Gonzalez

The global corporate head of International Container Terminal Services Inc explains how the terminal operator intends to build a future while upholding what it sees as its traditional virtues

International Containers Dry Bulk
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The Interview: Cecilia Eckelmann-Battistello

Cecilia Eckelmann-Battistello has been working in container shipping for more than 45 years. But while she may be thinking of slowing down, retirement is still some way off

Europe Italy Containers



