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Printed By


Michael Faulkner



Michael joined Insurance Day in 2014 from Insurance Risk, where he was the editor.


An award-winning journalist, Michael has more than 20 years’ experience reporting on the insurance industry, having held senior editorial positions at Insurance Times and edited InsuranceERM.


He has a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Birmingham.


At Insurance Day, Michael’s mission is to spearhead the brand’s digital development and extend its leading coverage of the London and global reinsurance markets with new data and analytical content.

Latest From Michael Faulkner

Brit profits climb 21% in H1

Specialist re/insurer’s undiscounted combined ratio improves to 80.5%

London Brit

Lloyd’s shows continued underlying improvement as ‘discipline maintained’

Market’s underlying combined ratio improves to 80.6% in the first half of the year but US casualty remains a concern 


Lloyd’s underwriting profit climbs 24% in the first half

Specialist market posts underwriting profit of £3.1bn in the first six months of the year as combined ratio improves 1.5 points to 83.7%

Risk and Compliance Insurance

Emerging casualty catastrophe risks challenge risk modellers

Often regarded as ‘black swan’ events, casualty catastrophes are a major threat to re/insurers. But modelling emerging liability risks presents significant difficulties for carriers, given their unpredictability and lack of data

International Special Report

Brit hires Guy Carp's Stephenson to lead Bermuda expansion

Bermuda platform ‘an important new growth pillar’ for the specialty carrier’s reinsurance business that will complement syndicate offering

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Helios appoints Aegis CFO Wade as non-exec

Lloyd’s investment vehicle adds industry veteran Wade to board of directors

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