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Judicial sale of tug West

Judicial sale of tug West

Published: 15 August 2024






On Monday 16 September 2024 at 13:30 hours, by enforced sale in a session of the Rotterdam court, Rotterdam location at the address Wilhelminaplein 100-125 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, the following tug with IMO number 9434876, to the best of Seller’s knowledge not registered in any ship register, will be sold

(hereinafter: "the Vessel")

The sale will take place at the request of Bogenda Repair B.V., with its registered office in Zuidland,
The Netherlands and actual place of business in Ridderkerk, The Netherlands (hereinafter: "Seller").
Seller has in this matter chosen domicile in Rotterdam (The Netherlands) at the offices of Wybenga advocaten, Schiedamsedijk 46, of which offices attorney-at-law Mrs. D.R.J.M. van Luyken and attorney-at-law
Mr. R.J. Wybenga act as the counsels of Seller.

The owner of the Vessel is Akeore Ventures Limited, with offices at Trident Trust Company (Seychelles) Limited, Trident Chambers, Capital City Building, PO Box 1388, in Victoria, Mahé, at the Republic of Seychelles, without any known office or residence in The Netherlands.

The sale will take place by virtue of the engrossment of a judgment of the Rotterdam court, dated 3 August 2022. The enforced sale takes place for the recovery of EUR 151,628.04 for repair works that remained unpaid, to be increased with interest and costs.

Technical data of the Vessel: tug, built in 2008 in Malaysia on the yard of Kian Juan Dockyard Sdn. Bhd - two decks - dimensions 27.73 x 8.60 x 4.11 - 259 tons gross register - propulsion by two Cummins engines, type KTA38M2, 883 kW per motor.

This description is provided without guaranteeing the correctness or completeness thereof. The Vessel is presently located at Ringdijk 396, Ridderkerk, The Netherlands. The Vessel will be sold "as is where is".

The Vessel will be sold to the highest bidder in a Dutch auction. The conditions of sale have been or will be filed at the office of the clerk of the Rotterdam court.

Further information and the conditions of sale may be obtained from Mrs. D.R.J.M. van Luyken and
Mr. R.J. Wybenga, telephone +31 10 214 00 00, email: [email protected] and [email protected].

