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Data Hub: New ConTex

New ConTex index is the time charter rates for six selected ship types, which are representative of their size categories, based on information provided by 17 independent shipbroker panellists

More from the Data Hub

Freight Rates

World Container Index assessed by Drewry

Drewry Shipping Consultants compiles the World Container Index, a composite of freight rates on eight major routes to/from the US, Europe and Asia

Freight Rates

The CTS Global Aggregated Price Index

Independent monthly price index. Information on all lines belonging to World Liner Data

Supply & Demand

Load Factors

Freight-rate forecasts for the coming quarters based on projections of estimated vessel utilisation on the major trade lanes

Trade Volumes

Global Container Trade Volumes

Container Trades Statistics is an independent company that collects and aggregates cargo volumes from container lines that belong to World Liner Data Ltd, and, using sources from Lines’ financial and other information to estimate 100% of the trades

Charter Rates

New ConTex

The Hamburg & Bremen Shipbrokers' Association New ConTex Index is an assessment of time charter rates for eight selected containership types, representative of size categories, based on information provided by 15 independent shipbroker panellists

Fleet Statistics

Carriers Containership Fleets

Alphaliner, the leading industry data provider, produces a constantly updated and consolidated ranking of the largest containership operators as well as global capacity figures




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