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One Hundred Ports Data

One Hundred Container Ports 2016

Welcome to the 2016 Lloyd’s List and Containerisation International Top 100 ports. Despite the general gloom in the container industry, where overcapacity and a fight for market share between lines are driving down rates, container terminals are still seeing throughput grow for the most part. However, overall box growth has slowed markedly.

Asia unsurprisingly still dominates the rankings and continues to lead the pack. Indeed, Asian ports comprise all but one of the top 10 positions. Yet slowing economic growth in the world’s manufacturing heartland, particularly China, has not only dented throughput growth in Asia but across the world, such is the region’s importance and influence on the port industry as a whole.


total teu 2016


Asian teu total


European teu total

Port rankings 2012 - 2016

The line chart shows the previous and current ranking position of ports that sit within the top 100 container ports. Click on the drop down menu to select a port and compare against another.
Remember to view port throughput over the years, click on the right hand tab

Port throughput 2016

The list shows the ranking order of the top 100 container ports by teu throughput for 2016. Click on a port's name or bar to read the in-depth analysis. To view port percentage change click on the right hand side tab.

Remember to view port percentage change, click on the right hand tab

Country and regional breakdown

See each country's and region's contribution to the top 100 container ports by teu throughput. Select a country from the drop down and tick or untick to compare with others that feature. Hold the cursor over the bars to view the teu throughput.

Remember to regional throughput, click on the right hand tab

Mapping the one hundred container ports

View the location of all top 100 ports. Hold the cursor over to view port name, rank, country and throughput. Port sizes represent teu throughput. Click on a port's location to read the in-depth analysis.

