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In focus: Greece & Cyprus

This special report combines reports on Greece and Cyprus at landmark moments for both shipping communities.


The Interview: Theodore Veniamis

Others need to speak up on a ‘potentially catastrophic’ implementation of sulphur cap, says Greek shipowners’ leader

Environment Regulation Fuels



Athens — the hub that never had to try too hard

The maritime cluster of Athens has existed for 2,000 years, but it has never been officially recognised until now

International Greece Containers

Greek-owned fleet continues to dominate

According to LLI data, Greeks control more than 18.8% of the world dry bulk fleet and 19.8% of the world tanker fleet

International Greece Dry Bulk

Minoan Lines aims for ‘green ships, no debt’

Minoan Lines has positioned itself to thrive in 2020, but fuel costs remain a volatile factor for any ferry operator

Europe Cyprus Greece



Cypriot banks aiming to run a tight ship

Several banks in Greece and Cyprus are comfortable with the main three ‘liquid’ markets — bulk carriers, tankers and containerships —  meaning that assets can be sold without too much trouble if the loan goes wrong. Niche markets, such as car carriers, cement carriers or offshore, are avoided

Dry Bulk Containers Tankers and Gas

Safe pair of hands, safe pair of offices

Among the company’s most interesting recent moves was establishment of Safe Bulkers Management in Limassol in 2015

International Cyprus Greece

When it comes to marine insurance, take cover!

Marine insurance entities are among the crop of new arrivals in Cyprus’ growing maritime cluster

Containers Dry Bulk Insurance
Read Full report

Independent fleet that ‘follows the cargo’

Greek-owned fleet’s global reach and trading patterns have always impressed — but, if anything, its footprint is becoming even more evenly spread with rapid expansion in Asia and Africa

Europe Greece Cyprus

Greek tanker owners moving to LNG

Years of experience in tanker ownership and operation are common credentials of today’s liquefied natural gas carrier owners, and this certainly applies to Greece-based owners

International Greece Tankers and Gas











‘We must continue to evolve’

The maritime administration has been restructured; an intense promotional programme is supporting an overhauled Cyprus maritime brand; and online services have been launched that include electronic verification of registry certificates, an online seafarer’s certificate, the digitalisation of records and automating ship registration

International Cyprus Containers

Management club underlines loyalty to Cyprus

Cyprus has long been a major shipmanagement centre and managers tend to have remained true to the island for many years

Europe Greece Cyprus
