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Industry collaboration

Like the aviation, automotive and logistics sectors, shipping has come up against a series of issues of global significance that can only be addressed through working together. This report assesses how the industry can draw on the expertise and know-how from outside and inside the sector to collaborate effectively on common goals.

Successful collaboration needs focused leadership

Shipping has come up against a series of issues of global significance that can only be addressed through working together

International Containers Dry Bulk

Many hands make light work in the push to digitalisation

Shipping’s slow trek towards digitalisation has been given a wake-up call by the pandemic; but to make the most of new technologies, companies should look outside their own windows to what is on offer elsewhere

Lloyds List magazine Containers Digital Disruption

Understanding the collaboration conundrum

Companies trying to apply digitalisation to all their processes discovered that the outcome was not what they had anticipated

International Ports and Logistics Digitalisation

P&I Clubs: Practising synergy like it's 1899

‘We are able to go to other industry organisations and say, we’re not North, we’re not Gard, we’re not UK Club, we are the International Group. When that’s said, people listen a little bit more,’ argues Nick Shaw

International Insurance
Read Full report

Shipping plays catch-up on road to carbon neutrality

The automotive sector still faces obstacles that sound frustratingly familiar for anyone following maritime’s decarbonisation timeline

International Environment Fuels

Shipping learns the value of collaboration

Working with Genting Cruise Lines is not just applying what has already been learnt in hospitals and hotels. The expertise of the maritime team at the class society has been vital to creating its Certification in Infection Prevention – Maritime

Coronavirus Risk Management Passenger
