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Future fuels: Shipping’s path to decarbonisation

The shipping industry requires immediate innovation and urgent action to navigate its way to decarbonisation. Big ideas, with hard cash to back up development programmes, are required across the industry, as too are the interim carbon reduction measures being implemented and accelerated across a range of different companies.

Shipping’s road to decarbonisation faces familiar obstacles

A broader mobilisation towards a lower-carbon future will require political backing — and that means stronger decarbonisation commitments in the near future

Fuels Environment Finance

LNG’s role as a bridging fuel for shipping faces challenge

Progress towards a zero-carbon future for shipping will involve methanol, biofuels, ammonia, and hydrogen. LNG’s role as a bridging fuel is being challenged even as shipowners invest in the fuel

Fuels Environment Safety

Shipping’s fuel transition will not come without risk

Future fuels, such as ammonia and hydrogen, may provide the energy shipping needs to traverse the seas without cooking the planet, but like the fossils fuels they replace they present safety challenges

International Safety Fuels

Shipping’s decarbonisation progress conceals challenges

Recent decarbonisation reports offer evidence of progress but also foreshadow challenges the industry will soon have to address

International Energy Environment

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Favoured future marine fuel faces scaling-up challenges

Fuels Environment Safety

Container carriers collaborate over carbon concerns

Containers Fuels Environment

Green hydrogen is leading decarbonisation pilot projects

Environment Energy Technology and Innovation
