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Outlook 2022

The coming year promises a rare period of balance for shipping markets, but beware the short-lived stability this implies because risks loom large on the horizon.

A fine balance: 2022 looks positive but long-term risk looms large

As the world comes to terms with living with coronavirus, it is the uncertainties presented by regulation, inflation, a flagging Chinese economy and existential threats to established business models that should be keeping shipping executives awake at night

Annual Outlook Containers Dry Bulk

Containers: Box bounty bounces into 2022

Freight rates may have peaked for now, and there are some signs of supply chains easing, though the disruption is not over yet. Shippers should see some easier conditions next year, but there are still potential threats on the horizon

Annual Outlook Containers Political Risk and Trade

Regulation: Brussels seeks to bridge GHG emissions governance gap

Talks over carbon levies and cap-and-trade schemes will be fleshed out at the IMO but nothing will be approved in 2022. Fights will continue over its climate ambition. In Europe, shipping groups will lobby over the scope of the Fit for 55 plan and who should pay its costs

Annual Outlook Regulation Political and Trade

LNG: Energy crunch triggers record gas carrier rates

Volatility peaks, with spots rates rising more than 3,000% in nine months and arbitrage profits exceeding $100m for one cargo

Annual Outlook Tankers and Gas Fuels

Marine insurance: You’ll be paying more

All main marine classes will likely get more expensive in 2022, with P&I leading the way

Annual Outlook Insurance International

Uncertain shipping outlook requires ‘a juggling act’ from industry

Regulatory uncertainty may have topped the industry’s list of major risks, but industry leaders attending the annual Lloyd’s List Outlook Forum argue that decisions will have to be taken at pace ahead of any legislative framework

Market Outlooks Political Risk and Trade Environment

The Lloyd’s List Podcast: The nightmares before (and after) Christmas

The annual Lloyd’s List Outlook Forum and industry poll is a reliably insightful gauge of issues keeping business chiefs awake at night and this year regulatory uncertainty, looming overcapacity, a workforces skills crisis and supply chain disruption emerged as the hot topics causing sleepless nights. The podcast this week offers a view from the Outlook Forum panellists, explaining why business leaders need to juggle short- and long-term risk management

Lloyd’s List Podcast Sustainability Tankers and Gas

Dry bulk: Can this spectacular year be repeated in 2022?

Continued demand growth  albeit at lower levels to 2021  combined with low fleet growth could keep rates buoyant, though volatility will likely persist

Annual Outlook Dry Bulk Political and Trade

Tankers: Back in black?

Third-quarter earnings for the fleet of some 15,000 tankers over 10,000 dwt averaged the lowest in three decades for many sizes and routes

Annual Outlook Tankers and Gas Fuels

Shipping finance: Making a comeback

Bank lending to the industry and interest in the capital markets have enjoyed a resurgence in 2021 as the dry bulk and container shipping sectors have bounced back. Yet financiers say ‘there is work to do’ on the challenges posed by decarbonisation and other ESG issues

Annual Outlook Finance Sustainability

Regulatory uncertainty tops shipping’s risk list

The greatest risk to shipping markets over the next five years is regulatory uncertainty, according to a Lloyd’s List poll ranking industry views on the critical issues likely to influence maritime markets next year and beyond

Market Outlooks Finance Environment
