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Special report: Greece & Cyprus 2021

Greece and Cyprus have much in common and, in a maritime context, the two nations largely see eye to eye. Both are bastions of European shipping, with a global perspective on the industry. That is highlighted in this special report, which focuses on the extraordinary spread of trading by the Greek-owned fleet, using data from Lloyd’s List Intelligence, and on the refreshingly outward-facing agenda of Cyprus Shipping Deputy Minister Vassilios Demetriades. We also look back 200 years ago to the outbreak of the war of independence that secured Greece’s freedom, paving the way for the country’s emergence as the world’s biggest shipowning nation.




Greece & Cyprus 2021: Shipping and independence celebrate their kinship

The 200-year anniversary of the outbreak of the war of independence provides yet another reminder that Greek shipping’s adaptability has been baked into it historically

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Greece & Cyprus 2021: Providing a lot more than tonnage

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Greece & Cyprus 2021: Aiming for togetherness as much as recognising the exceptional

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Greece & Cyprus 2021: Prime movers answer the call

Exclusive Lloyd’s List Intelligence data underlines that, despite the coronavirus shock, Greek shipping’s contribution to serving the needs of global seaborne trade was undiminished in 2020 as it answered a surge in demand in Asia

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Greece & Cyprus 2021: Making leadership look easy

Greek shipping remains as ready and resilient as ever in adapting to whatever the markets throw at it, but appears to have put political turbulence in its homeland well behind it

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Greece & Cyprus 2021: The new temple of maritime tech?

The Greek capital has a number of advantages that are fuelling its emergence as a hub for companies at the cutting edge of digital technology solutions for shipping

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Greece & Cyprus 2021: Location is key to competing in international logistics

Its natural location, combined with the presence of such a powerful shipping community, underpins Greece’s potential as an international logistics hub, but despite ‘important steps’ towards boosting competitiveness as an international hub, ‘there is still a long way to go’

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Greece & Cyprus 2021: A glimpse of a greener future

Greece’s ferry industry is grappling with an urgent need to renew an ageing fleet while bearing the losses wrought by the coronavirus pandemic ― but at last there is a glimmer of hope in funding for the sector

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Greece & Cyprus 2021: Greece follows Cypriot class act

Adopt a Ship’s aim is to provide young children with a real-world learning experience about shipping through pairing classes with specific vessels and enabling direct communication between children and crew

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Greece & Cyprus 2021: Ready to set a new course

Cyprus shipping deputy minister Vassilios Demetriades promises that an upcoming strategy will establish ‘a positive agenda’ for the country’s shipping sector

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Greece & Cyprus 2021: Sustainability driver in hull insurance

American Hellenic Hull's upward trajectory has been acknowledged in various ways, not least by the election last year of chief executive Ilias Tsakiris to the prestigious Ocean Hull Committee of IUMI

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Greece & Cyprus 2021: 'Passionate about keeping high standards'

The Cyprus flag is deserving of greater support from owners for many reasons, say some of its leading users

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