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Special report: Half-year outlook 2021

Despite the upheaval of a global pandemic, shipowners find themselves in much better health than this time last year. The outlook for shipping in the short to mid-term looks equally encouraging, particularly for the box and bulk sectors, but for the beleaguered tanker sector much hinges on the success of a global vaccination campaign.

Enjoy the markets fizz, but beware the hangover

Mid-Year outlook Containers Dry Bulk

Maritime Markets Outlook: Shipping’s half-year health check

The Lloyd’s List Half-year outlook 2021 takes the temperature of the core maritime trades and offers a view on the market dynamics during the coming six to 12 months. Joining editor Richard Meade to consider the core box, bulk and tanker trade trends are: markets editor Michelle Wiese Bockmann, containers editor James Baker and senior dry bulk reporter Nidaa Bakhsh

Mid-Year outlook Maritime Markets Outlook Containers

Decarbonisation regulations come to a head

After a long wait, shipping will finally learn how the European Commission believes it should be integrated into the EU’s Emissions Trading System. Meanwhile, governments at the IMO will engage in negotiations about a market-based measure, such as a carbon levy

Mid-Year outlook Regulation Environment

Finding new ways to stay afloat

Leasing has also expanded to fill part of the gap in ship lending, especially as lessors expanded their scope from newbuildings to cover secondhand transactions

Mid-Year outlook Finance Ship operations

Marine insurance outlook in three words — more expensive still

The current year has seen some major claims, not least Ever Given, but the secular trend towards better safety overall continues

Mid-Year outlook Insurance International

Container shipping thrives amid the chaos

The box shipping sector has bounced back from the initial phases of the pandemic to record profitability; but the supply chain issues dogging the sector will continue until demand eases

Mid-Year outlook Containers Ports and Logistics

Bullish sentiment prevails in dry bulk market

More than half of the scheduled newbuildings were delivered in the first five months of the year and, with expected rising iron ore volumes, especially from Brazil, continuing strongly in the minor bulk trades and healthy grains flows, bulker owners will be able to enjoy profitable levels, bar any other unexpected black swan events

Mid-Year outlook Dry Bulk International

High carbon prices and unusual weather tighten LNG market

‘We could potentially see very strong LNG carrier spot rates for the remainder of 2021 and into 2022, exaggerated by the current low natural gas inventories’ — Joakim Hannisdahl of Cleaves Securities

Mid-Year outlook Tankers and Gas LNG

LPG sector sailing to a profitable second half of the year

Healthy market fundamentals are setting up high expectations for the next six months, even as alignment of available capacity and cargo supply appear shaky because of the continued delivery of new tonnage

Mid-Year outlook Tankers and Gas LPG

Tankers: The only way is up

A vaccine-led recovery is under way for the crude and product tanker markets but the underlying fundamentals that determine its speed and magnitude have never been so uncertain

Mid-Year outlook Tankers and Gas International
