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Outlook 2023

The long-term consequences of the geopolitical, energy and economic shocks of 2022 are hard to foresee — but for shipping, there is at least the possibility of a more optimistic reading of the runes


Outlook 2023: The case for optimism amid turbulent times

Optimism is a rare commodity in European boardrooms right now, amid an energy crisis, high inflation and slowing growth  but there is a global case for a more positive view of opportunities ahead

Political Risk and Trade Containers Dry Bulk

The Lloyd’s List Podcast: Here’s what 2023 is going to look like

The annual outlook edition of the Lloyd’s List podcast casts an eye over the forces that will be shaping the shipping sector next year and beyond

Lloyd’s List Podcast Market Outlooks Containers

Outlook Poll: Global recession risk looms large for shipping in 2023

The annual view of market sentiment finds the shipping industry divided over decarbonisation strategy, risk and opportunities

International Containers Dry Bulk

Regulation: 2023 will be an agenda-setting year for shipping

With only a couple of inter-sessional working groups between now and the July 2023 deadline, propelling the notoriously glacial pace of change within the IMO is going to be an uphill struggle — but what emerges will set the regulatory landscape for shipping’s future

Annual Outlook Regulation Environment

Containers: Life after the goldrush

As congestion eases, container carriers will need to address how to manage the vast amounts of tonnage ordered during the boom years of the pandemic; as economies cool, they will need to call on the reserves of cash made during peak earnings

Annual Outlook Containers Sale and Purchase

Tankers: West African waters evolve as tanker spoofing centre as ‘dark fleet’ increases in size and notoriety

Tanker owners will have to deal with elevated compliance risks from sanctions in 2023

Annual Outlook Tankers and Gas Sanctions

Dry bulk: Softening of rates expected amid uncertain economic backdrop

Uncertainty regarding ultimate demand will lead to volatility; however, there is consensus that a rebound in China is expected to be felt in the latter part of next year as it gradually reopens its economy following its strict zero-Covid policy

Annual Outlook Dry Bulk International

Shipbuilding: Full orderbooks, but labour shortages could threaten delivery schedules

Containerships make up more than 40% of the current global orderbook, while the tanker share is at a record low of 9%; nevertheless, orders from the tanker sector are expected to accelerate in 2023

Annual Outlook Shipbuilding Containers
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Ship finance: More options amid sea of uncertainties

Smaller and medium-sized owners are still very much provided for, but wider upheavals are taking a toll on deals

Annual Outlook Finance International

Marine insurance: No respite for owners on hardening rates

This time, the alibi for the rate increases is inflation. Rocketing costs for labour and steel are making it more expensive to foot the bills for repair yard work

Annual Outlook Insurance International

Marine insurance: No respite for owners on hardening rates

This time, the alibi for the rate increases is inflation. Rocketing costs for labour and steel are making it more expensive to foot the bills for repair yard work

Annual Outlook Insurance International

LNG: Tight market to support strong carrier rates

A spate of newbuilding deliveries can easily be absorbed, with more long-term charters being inked to secure tonnage in a tight, disrupted market

Annual Outlook Tankers and Gas LNG
