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In the absence of any certainty regarding fuel availability, the shipping industry is laying down a multi-billion-dollar zero-carbon hedge bet — yet in the meantime, its decarbonisation pledges and targets are looking increasingly thin.

Shipping’s carbon ambitions suffer a serious credibility gap

In the absence of any certainty regarding fuel availability, the shipping industry is laying down a multi-billion-dollar zero-carbon hedge bet  yet in the meantime, its decarbonisation pledges and targets are looking increasingly thin

Fuels Regulation Sustainability

The case for a more holistic approach to regulation

Flawed efficiency projects such as CII have sparked a wholesale review of how regulation is developed. A more iterative and holistic approach that factors in the expectation of unintended commercial consequences now needs to be more rigorously embraced

Sustainability Regulation Environment

Uncertainty is holding back industry decarbonisation, not technology

If the political stars align and the right demand signals can be emitted, the latest analysis suggests that even the most ambitious decarbonisation scenarios are no longer limited by the technical and commercial readiness of zero-carbon fuels, technologies, infrastructure or yards. The industry, however, remains uncertain and unconvinced.

Technology and Innovation Regulation Energy

Green corridors risk becoming greenwash as progress stalls

Governments and industry rallied behind the concept of ‘green corridors’ as a way of catalysing zero-carbon shipping on specific routes, but most remain paper exercises with even the most advanced plans are still considered high risk and riddled with caveats

Sustainability Fuels Environment

‘Low maturity of solutions’ the main barrier to decarbonisation, Lloyd’s List survey finds

Shipping companies want to see more mature solutions on the industry’s pathway to net zero and to start investing in new technologies, according to the second Lloyd’s List decarbonisation survey in collaboration with Lloyd’s Register

Sustainability Environment Fuels

Dual-fuel methanol orderbook keeps on growing

Many shipowners are still unwilling to order alternative fuel-capable newbuildings due to fuel supply and cost concerns; meanwhile engine designers are developing a variety of retrofit solutions to help navigate the long road to decarbonisation

Fuels Environment Regulation

Zero-emissions bunkering shows promise amid tangible demand signals

Rising dual-fuel vessel orders and regional targets for zero-emissions marine fuels increase likelihood of alternative fuel bunkering before 2030

Sustainability Environment Bunkers
Read the full report

Is there a case against prioritising shipping’s zero-carbon fuel switch?

Has the politicised focus on shipping’s eventual fuel transition provided a pretext for inaction and deferred more immediate gains in energy efficiency? Is there an argument for shipping not being at the front of the queue for limited renewables to produce sustainable fuels? Two recent studies offer two very different perspectives of the industry’s zero-carbon priorities

Sustainability Fuels Energy

Shipping starts to embrace energy-efficiency measures to reach net zero goals

The maritime industry has begun seeking alternative methods to increase energy efficiency to comply with new regulations such as the CII and EU ETS

Sustainability Fuels Environment

Why MEPC 80 will prove pivotal to industry and the future of the IMO

The outcome of this summer’s pivotal MEPC 80 meeting inside the IMO will not agree policy, but it will set the tone and timing of the regulatory agenda for decades to come and act as a litmus test of the continued relevance of the UN agency as a global regulator

IMO Regulation Environment

Decarbonisation to drive change

From transporting clean energy to supporting skills in handling future fuels, the maritime industry will underpin the global energy transition

Sustainability Lloyds Register Fuels
