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Digitalisation & Data

Regulatory pressure is compelling maritime companies to be more data-driven in both their culture and organisation. However, there is a bewildering array of applications and solutions available. Making smart on data investments is the key.


Advisers and partners needed for reluctant converts

Regulatory pressure has compelled maritime companies to be more data-driven in their culture and organisation; however, there is a bewildering array of applications available

Technology and Innovation Digital Disruption Ship operations

Cyber risk casts shadow over digital transformation

The push for digitalisation and interconnectivity is making shipping an increasing target for cyber attacks

Technology and Innovation Digitalisation Cyber

Data analysis in shipping: There is no shortcut

Data-driven decision-making is a priority for most businesses, though the digitalisation process feels out of reach for many; it is not  but it requires engagement, a bit of expertise and some enthusiasm

Digitalisation Technology and Innovation International
Read Full report

Resistance to change is limiting digital transformation

Most companies begin with digitalisation and technology, but it’s the wrong place to start; knowing corporate objectives and understating why digitalisation is the way to achieve them is the first step

Technology and Innovation Digitalisation Sustainability

Will CII be maritime’s digital game-changer?

Measures to tackle shipping’s carbon intensity could accelerate a new wave of digital tools and technologies, as owners look to make the efficiency grade

Technology and Innovation Digitalisation Sustainability
