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The Ukraine effect podcast: The rise of the dark fleet

A special Lloyd’s List Podcast series examining how the situation in Ukraine has had a lasting impact on different aspects of the shipping industry

Chapter 1: Why Russia’s increasingly sophisticated sanctions evasion tactics present a lasting risk for the wider shipping industry. Featuring Lloyd’s List senior analyst Michelle Wiese Bockmann and HFW partner and sanctions expert Daniel Martin



THE shipping industry has had to adapt rapidly since Vladimir Putin ordered his tanks across the Ukrainian frontier a year ago. Entire trade lanes have been re-routed, the most extensive set of sanctions in living memory has been hastily constructed and a super-charged “dark fleet” of opaque operations has sprung up, forcing shipping to navigate an increasingly complex risk-and-compliance landscape.

In this special podcast series, Lloyd’s List’s editorial team are joined by a cast of industry experts as they examine the lasting implications of the conflict in Ukraine for shipping.

You can listen to the full podcast on demand via the link in the banner below:


This opening edition looks at the rise of the so-called “dark fleet” as one of the major side-effects of the situation in Ukraine and concludes that Russia’s sanctions-dodging is only getting more advanced.

In this edition:

  • Michelle Wiese Bockmann, Lloyd’s List’s markets editor and analyst, walks us through the growing role that the so-called ‘dark fleet’ is playing in shipping and why Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has supercharged deceptive shipping practices.

  • Daniel Martin, a partner at the law firm HFW, offers his expert analysis of the evolving complexities related to sanctions risk that has sprung up in the wake of the war.


Lloyd’s list Intelligence has been tracking the development of the dark fleet from the start and according to our latest analysis the size of the dark fleet has more than doubled in the past two years to now cover about 10% of global tankers trading internationally.

In addition to safety implications of effectively removing such a large fleet from mainstream scrutiny in terms of class, insurance and reputable flag state oversight, there are longer term issues for shipping in terms of the complexity of the risk-and-compliance landscape that is rapidly evolving in the way of this rising subterfuge fleet.

For a live in-depth discussion on risk-and-compliance, and how to navigate through evolving sanctions risk, please join us on April 20 for our next webinar featuring market leading experts and the Lloyd's List Intelligence analysts. For more details and to register, follow the link below:



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