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Law & Regulation

Keep informed with daily analysis and insight into the regulatory landscape and legal issues for shipping;
be proactive in adapting your organisation to meet new requirements and
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UK sanctions 10 ‘shadow fleet’ tankers shipping Russian oil

The UK has announced its third round of shipping sanctions, targeting 10 tankers it says are part of Russia’s ‘shadow fleet’. All 10 are managed by the same UAE-based company, Lloyd’s List Intelligence data shows, and were previously managed by sanctioned Sovcomflot entities

Sanctions Risk and Compliance

‘Very limited’ scope for Red Sea refusals despite Houthi onslaught, Norton Rose Fulbright argues

Attacks on shipping have been going long enough for owners and charterers to know what they are getting into

Red Sea Risk Tankers and Gas

Blueprint for Europe’s economic overhaul reinforces need for shipping investment

The pivotal role that Europe’s shipping sector plays in supporting the bloc’s energy, food and supply chain security has been acknowledged as an integral part of Europe’s plans to boost productivity and usher in a new industrial strategy for Europe. But finding the investment, including €40bn each year from 2031 to 2050 for decarbonisation, is going to prove politically challenging

Sustainability EU

High Court holds former Ukraine grain terminal operators in contempt

GNT Group facilities widely used by bulk carriers calling in the country

Ukraine crisis Dry Bulk

Metric switch could address main CII flaws, RINA argues

The IMO could address CII’s flaws by adopting a different metric to consider main engine propulsion and capacity utilisation

Sustainability Regulation

CMB faces potential payout over Euronav deal after court ruling

CMB may have to pay shareholders an additional sum if the Belgium Financial Regulator takes action, but they argue that the continuing legal action against them is “without merit”

Tankers and Gas Law

New study reawakens seafarer fatigue debate

A new study by the World Maritime University confirms years of anecdotal evidence that shipping has a systemic problem in falsifying records of work/rest hours that are rarely enforced leading to routine fatigue

Sustainability Crewing

Sounion: shipping gets away with it again

Moral culpability for this casualty rests with the damn fools crazy enough deliberately to set a suezmax on fire. But television audiences might not have seen things like that

Lloyd List - The View Casualty

Eswatini fleet start to reflag as UAE takes action

The Eswatini government has confirmed that it will be removing all internationally trading ships from its flag until the country has been admitted to the International Maritime Organization and has established the ‘necessary institutional and skills and capacity within government’ to operate a shipping register

Sanctions Regulation

Red Sea transits now ‘impossible’ for ships with US, UK or Israel ties, say underwriters

Owners can deviate where doing so is ‘objectively reasonable’, argues law firm Hill Dickinson

Red Sea Risk Tankers and Gas

ONE uses Japan operating lease to structure equipment deal

Mechanism is used as alternative to Chinese sale and leasebacks

Containers Finance

How Eswatini created a shipping register by accident

The landlocked African state of Eswatini has finally conceded that the opaque ship register established in its name should not have been allowed to go ahead and is now in the process of removing its flag from vessels internationally

Sanctions Tankers and Gas

Owners can refuse Red Sea orders. After that, it gets complicated

Sounion casualty will reignite debate over each side’s obligations under standard charterparty clauses

Red Sea Risk Tankers and Gas

Shipowner calls for CII fudges may miss the point

Shipping groups want myriad tweaks to the CII so they don’t receive bad ratings for fuel consumption beyond their control. But too much ‘normalising’ could undermine the regulation’s ability to do its job and miss the bigger picture, green shipping expert warns

Sustainability IMO

Four seafarers abandoned in Washington State

The International Transport Workers’ Federation said the four seafarers were due to be deported by US Customs and Border Protection, but this has been delayed until their full wages are paid

Risk and Compliance Crewing

‘Virtual distance’ among proposed CII fixes

A proposal before the IMO suggests converting port and anchorage fuel consumption into equivalent voyage distance and fuel consumption for CII purposes to cover emissions ships cannot control. But not all are convinced

Sustainability Regulation
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