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Crew Welfare

Keep informed with the latest news, comment and analysis on the issues surrounding the safety and
security of seafarers globally, highlighting the plight of the essential workers that keep shipping moving

New study reawakens seafarer fatigue debate

A new study by the World Maritime University confirms years of anecdotal evidence that shipping has a systemic problem in falsifying records of work/rest hours that are rarely enforced leading to routine fatigue

Sustainability Crewing

The future of shipping is not just about the ships, says Lloyd’s Register chief executive

Class role in the energy and digital transformation requires expertise in crew training as well as technical efficiencies, argues LR chief executive Nick Brown

Digitalisation Sustainability

Four seafarers abandoned in Washington State

The International Transport Workers’ Federation said the four seafarers were due to be deported by US Customs and Border Protection, but this has been delayed until their full wages are paid

Risk and Compliance Crewing

Two Russian seafarers killed in cargoship gas leak

Russia-flagged Navis-2 was carrying more than 5,000 tonnes of wheat bran from Yeysk, Russia, to Türkiye when it experienced a gas leak from the cargo hold to the main deck

Casualty Safety

South Africa seeks to free FPSO engineers jailed in Equatorial Guinea

South Africa’s government has called for the release of Peter Huxham and Frederik Potgeiter, who have been in prison for 564 days and counting on bogus drug charges

Tankers and Gas Crewing

Singapore to check crew for mpox

Singapore will start temperature and visual screening at sea checkpoints as well as airports

Risk and Compliance Crewing

Naval forces rescues seafarers on board stricken tanker

The tanker’s crew decided to evacuate the vessel after a fire started on board following the attacks, with a EUNAVFOR vessel providing support. The ship presents a ‘navigational and environmental hazard’

Tankers and Gas Casualty

Ukraine seafarers still working despite war

Officers and ratings are balancing obligations to their country against the need to provide for their families, says Danica’s Jensen

Ukraine crisis Crewing

Suspected mpox case turns out to be chickenpox

Argentinian health authorities quarantined the vessel in the Parana river and isolated the seafarer from the other crew, but tests have come back negative for mpox

Dry Bulk Crewing

Royal Fleet Auxiliary to strike again after ‘historic’ walk out in August

RFA officers have been taking action short of a strike since June 1 and walked out for the first time in the service’s history on August 15

Risk and Compliance Crewing

Vessel quarantined in Argentina with suspected mpox case

The bulk carrier notified local health authorities that a crewmember had become unwell with symptoms in line with mpox, which was declared a health emergency by the World Health Organization last week

Dry Bulk Crewing

South Korean yards duel with double-edged sword of high utilisation rates

Management and labour must reach detente in their tug-of-war over wage increases and improved benefits if they are both to benefit from the shipbuilding boom

Containers Dry Bulk
