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On demand access to Lloyd’s List’s webinar back catalogue, featuring thought provoking discussion and analysis from our team of experts and industry leaders on the big issues impacting shipping


Shipping must switch to renewable hydrogen fuels by 2040 to hit IMO targets, Lloyd’s List webinar hears

IMO’s more ambitious climate targets will position the shipping industry to succeed in its green transition, according to panellists on a Lloyd’s List webinar 

Sustainability Fuels

Digital progress requires sweeping away deep-rooted technophobia

Digital disruption is unlikely in shipping because of the industry’s complexity and fragmentation. Key elements in change will be diversity thinking and digital leadership, speakers confirm

Technology and Innovation Digitalisation

The Lloyd’s List Podcast: Shipping is not moving quickly enough

The annual Lloyd’s List Outlook Forum offers the last word on the forces shaping shipping right now, but the common theme among discussions ranging from decarbonisation to safety and regulatory risk was that the industry is just not moving ahead with sufficient pace

Lloyd’s List Podcast Sustainability

Decarbonisation of shipping offers plenty of opportunities, but beware the risks

Lloyd’s List webinar on opportunities and the cost of the transition to zero-carbon shipping

Sustainability Fuels

How shipping thinks about decarbonisation must change

The Lloyd’s List Race to Zero webinar on June 30 will hear from industry experts that the answer lies to tackling climate change is in addressing some deep-seated misconceptions about business and human psychology

Sustainability Regulation

Webinar: The cat and mouse game of sanctions compliance

Reaching compliance is challenging, remaining compliant even more so. This webinar offers an overview of the global sanctions minefield and suggests a way to keep risk under control

International Political Risk and Trade

How Omicron and the orderbook will shape maritime markets for 2022

Lloyd’s List editor Richard Meade, along with head of consulting for Lloyd’s List Intelligence Christopher Palsson and markets editor Michelle Wiese Bockmann, examine the post-Christmas shipping landscape in this Maritime Markets Outlook — giving their forecasts for the year ahead

Maritime Markets Outlook Containers

Smart tech set to divide shipping like never before

A Lloyd’s List webinar hears how digital technology has shone a bright light on traditional ways of working. Silo mentality and an obsession with cost rather than value must be countered quickly

Technology and Innovation Digital Disruption

Webinar: How to decarbonise shipping

Shipping heavyweights DNV, Wärtsilä and Maersk joined Lloyd’s List to discuss the industry’s decarbonisation trajectory, the role of regulation and the contentious issue of whether LNG is a viable option for the sector. Registration to sign up for our next webinar ‘How to innovate in shipping’ is now open

International Future of Shipping

Lloyd’s List Webinar: How to digitalise shipping

The first in a series of Future of Shipping live events gathers industry leaders to discuss a more hard-headed approach to the digital revolution. Register for free to attend on March 17 at 9am London / 5pm Singapore time

International Events

Digitalising shipping: What’s the hold-up?

Few doubt digital technology will change the industry, but there are more pragmatic questions now being asked by company boards looking at shipping’s woeful track record in yielding a return on invested capital. The latest Lloyd’s List live event gathers industry leaders to discuss a more hard-headed approach to the digital revolution

International Digital Disruption

Lloyd’s List aids the search for carbon clarity with Decarbonisation Survey

The direction of travel for shipping’s decarbonation trajectory has been set for some time now, but the devil in the detail is yet to reveal itself. A new regular survey launch by Lloyd’s List, in association with Lloyd’s Register, aims to chart shifting industry sentiment towards alternative fuels, financing and investment

International Environment
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