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Digitalisation of the maritime sector may be progressing at a slower rate than in certain other sectors, but new technologies are gradually being integrated. Innovations such as artificial intelligence, the ‘internet of things’ and ‘smart’ ports are all on the horizon. However, challenges and concerns remain in regard to regulation, training, liabilities and costs


Port communications a key factor in supply chain resilience

Port community systems and single windows serve the internal purposes of port stakeholders. But cargo owners rarely have the insight they require

Marad taps ABS to help decarbonise US shipping

The US Maritime Administration has selected ABS to establish and maintain the US Center for Maritime Innovation. The centre is ‘intended to support the adoption of clean energy on US vessels through a wide-ranging programme of research and development and training support’

Singapore to make e-BDNs mandatory by April 2025

The move will make Singapore the first port in the world to put digital bunkering into effect at scale in relation to all of its bunkering operations

Electronic bunker delivery notes can help ease LNG bunkering shortage

Up to 4% more supply could be eked out through efficiency gains by using electronic bunker delivery note systems, argue the proponents of e-BDNs

Latsco and MAN sign co-operation agreement

Latsco sees benefits of being ‘at forefront’ of digital innovation, while MAN stands to derive ‘invaluable intelligence’ from diverse modern fleet

Nereus Digital Bunkers launches new ‘marketplace’ for buyers and sellers

Performance ratings will be a key feature, bringing greater visibility to the market and reducing risk for purchasers

Over half of cargo owners blame box carriers for holding back digitalisation, survey finds

A survey of cargo owners found 54% blamed shipowners for blocking the digital transition. Staff fearing for their jobs make up a big cohort of those opposed to new technology

Sharp expansion seen in maritime AI market

Data-driven, condition-based maintenance and port management were highlighted as being prime among six critical areas AI was being applied to in the industry

NorthStandard highlights expanded geographical reach in first half of policy year

Revamped website has increased emphasis on risk intelligence


The future of shipping is not just about the ships, says Lloyd’s Register chief executive

Class role in the energy and digital transformation requires expertise in crew training as well as technical efficiencies, argues LR chief executive Nick Brown

Voyage optimisation tools aim to be a stepping stone to decarbonisation

Operational uncertainty is very costly for the shipping industry and Sofar Ocean markets itself as an assistant in closing what it dubs the ‘ocean data gap’ by using data from its extensive network of sensors in the sea

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