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Digitalisation of the maritime sector may be progressing at a slower rate than in certain other sectors, but new technologies are gradually being integrated. Innovations such as artificial intelligence, the ‘internet of things’ and ‘smart’ ports are all on the horizon. However, challenges and concerns remain in regard to regulation, training, liabilities and costs


ETS difficulties persist nearly one year on

The EU Emissions Trading System is causing headaches almost a year since its expansion to shipping, with technical and legal issues still to be worked out

Top 10 classification societies 2024

Rina’s Roberto Cazzulo took over chairmanship of the International Association of Classification Societies in January 2024, after two and a half years with LR’s Nick Brown at the helm. The world’s leading classification societies remain a key component in advancing the decarbonisation of shipping, while at the same time advancing standards and safety

Attica results hit by merger costs and ETS compliance

Costs included €14.1m on EU emission allowances in the first nine months of the year

What happened to shipping’s innovation boom? Part II

Lloyd’s List editor-in-chief Richard Meade brings you the second half of his deep dive into innovation within shipping, this time focusing on the human factor

The continued rise of marine MGAs

Marine managing general agents are entering markets where traditional carriers sometimes fear to tread

More consolidation coming for shipmanagers

Big third-party shipmanagers are getting bigger and smaller ones are getting together in search of economies of scale

What happened to shipping’s innovation boom?

Lloyd’s List editor-in-chief Richard Meade speaks to shipping’s thought leaders to find out where the true innovation in the industry is happening

Tech leaders partner with HD Hyundai to create production platform

The integrated platform to be created in 2028 is part of the shipyard’s ‘Future of Shipyard’ project, which aims to increase productivity by 30% and reduce shipbuilding time by 30% by 2030

The Daily View: Cyber complacency — an accident waiting to happen

Your latest edition of Lloyd’s List’s Daily View — the essential briefing on the stories shaping shipping

How worried should we really be about cyber security?

Lloyd’s List reporter Joshua Minchin talks to cyber security experts to assess the current threat level to shipping and ask whether shipowners should be more worried now than they have been before

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