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Dry Bulk

Dry Bulk

Stay informed with the latest news, analysis, and market insight for the dry bulk shipping industry through our expert coverage

Coal demand to stay high in 2024 after record 2023

The latest coal report from the International Energy Association cites exceptionally low hydropower output as a factor in 2023’s record levels, but demand is expected to plateau in 2024 and 2025

Dry Bulk Energy

Dry bulk: Panama upside to fall, Guinea upside to rise

Supply chains for dry bulk shipping have been lengthened by weather and geopolitics. At least some of that tonne-mile upside could unwind during the second half, as Panama ramps up canal transits. On the demand side, China remains the big wild card

Mid-Year outlook Dry Bulk Political Risk and Trade

Latest Articles

Market Insight

Tanker vetting report reveals dark fleet safety concerns

A string of deficiencies revealed in a recent vetting report of a tanker that regularly carries Russian oil through environmentally sensitive waters and trade chokepoints underscores widespread fears about safety standards across the so-called dark fleet

Sanctions Tankers and Gas

Surprise capesize rate rebound fuels renewed dry bulk stock gains

Strong exports of iron ore from Brazil and bauxite from Guinea are boosting capesize spot rates this summer. US-listed dry bulk stocks, which suffered a pullback last month, are headed back upwards again

Dry Bulk Brokers

New bunker storage tanker in Panama as demand hits seven-month high

Bunker demand in Panama remains below previous years as canal transits yet to recover to seasonal averages

Tankers and Gas Bunkers

Panama Canal transits stalled in May but water level is slowly rising

Rhetoric on the Panama Canal has taken a major positive turn. Authorised draught is up, reservation slots have increased and rain is adding to Gatun Lake water levels. But if you look at the actual transit statistics, this supply chain bottleneck is a still a long way from being solved

Containers Dry Bulk

Smaller bulkers are a good bet, but capes may reward the brave

Ursa Shipbrokers’ Simon Ward says the future looks bright for smaller bulkers against a backdrop of global conflict, growth in the developing world and scarce tonnage, with efficient newbuildings too costly to justify

Posidonia Dry Bulk

Safe Bulkers seals more capesize charters

Eight capesizes are earning an average of $24,400 per day for the next two years

Dry Bulk Capes

Shipping markets no longer just about supply and demand, says Norden’s Rindbo

‘The ability to stay nimble to react to changes in shipping markets is more important than ever,’ says Norden chief executive

Tankers and Gas Political Risk and Trade

Bulk carrier values still rising despite freight market corrections

‘The capesize market is structurally tight — not only are newbuilding deliveries slowing down to multi-year lows in 2024-26 but there are no VLOCs delivering until late 2026,’ said Braemar analyst Alexandra Alatari

Dry Bulk Capes

Capesize correction gathers steam as spot rates and FFAs fall

Following a counter-seasonally strong Q1, capesize rates and futures are in retreat. Nevertheless, shares of listed dry bulk owners are holding on to much of their 2024 gains, at least so far

Dry Bulk Freight rates

Bulk carrier values strengthen on robust earnings

Last month there were 33 capesize sales concluded compared with just nine in February 2023, according to Veson dry cargo analyst

Dry Bulk Sale and Purchase

Dry bulker party lacks conviction without China tailwinds

The drop in commodity prices seems to suggest slowing demand. Data also shows China’s steel exports and coal imports have seen a notable decline since March

Dry Bulk Asia Pacific

Surge of secondhand capesize deals triggered by 14-year peak in earnings

Greek owners identified as leading buyers with one-third of capesize purchases this year, as well as ranking first alongside Chinese owners for supramax buys

Dry Bulk Sale and Purchase
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