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Keep informed with daily analysis and insight on safety and security issues affecting shipping, from
piracy activities to the latest safety measures to casualties

Sounion: shipping gets away with it again

Moral culpability for this casualty rests with the damn fools crazy enough deliberately to set a suezmax on fire. But television audiences might not have seen things like that

Lloyd List - The View Casualty

Chinese ports halt operations amid Typhoon Yagi

Terminals in Guangdong and Hainan are shutting down partly or fully to prepare for the impact of the storm

Containers Ports and Logistics

Eswatini fleet start to reflag as UAE takes action

The Eswatini government has confirmed that it will be removing all internationally trading ships from its flag until the country has been admitted to the International Maritime Organization and has established the ‘necessary institutional and skills and capacity within government’ to operate a shipping register

Sanctions Regulation

UKMTO warns of impersonators calling for vessels to switch AIS on

The warning comes after a period of intense activity in the Red Sea in the past month, which has seen several vessels attacked and crude tanker Sounion left abandoned off Yemen

Red Sea Risk Piracy and Security

Bab el Mandeb transits see first meaningful increase since start of Red Sea crisis

It would be reasonable to expect transits through the Bab el Mandeb to continue to fall given the threat posed by the Houthis remains largely unchanged, but risk appetite is dynamic, and there is likely an element of risk normalisation that is making Red Sea voyages less daunting — and even appealing — for some

Red Sea Risk Containers

‘Alternative solution’ unclear for Sounion salvage as operation postponed

Sounion is still anchored in the Red Sea and still burning, and after the original plan to tow the tanker fell through last night, officials are not sure how a potentially catastrophic problem can be solved

Red Sea Risk Casualty

Bahri denies VLCC Amjad hit by Houthi missiles, asserts vessel ’fully operational‘

UKMTO reported there were no casualties on the tanker Blue Lagoon I and it was still en route to its next port of call

Red Sea Risk Tankers and Gas

Not safe to begin towing Sounion, salvors decide

European Naval Force’s Operation Aspides said it had been protecting tugs involved in the salvage of the stricken tanker, which is carrying 150,000 tonnes of Iraqi crude, since Sunday

Red Sea Risk Tankers and Gas

South Korea to create standards for new technology in shipping

The global network will also be strengthened by signing MOUs with key members of the International Association of Classification Societies to establish a strategy for the development of international standards for future ships

Sustainability Tankers and Gas

Four seafarers abandoned in Washington State

The International Transport Workers’ Federation said the four seafarers were due to be deported by US Customs and Border Protection, but this has been delayed until their full wages are paid

Risk and Compliance Crewing

Sounion salvage to start today

The European Naval Force’s Operation Aspides says its vessels will be supporting the operation to tow the tanker, which is carrying 150,000 tonnes of Iraqi crude

Red Sea Risk Casualty

Houthis hit another crude oil tanker in Red Sea

As the vessel Sounion continues to burn in the Red Sea, the Iran-backed rebel group has hit another tanker

Red Sea Risk Tankers and Gas
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