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The International Maritime Organization has committed to slashing total annual greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50% by 2050, compared with 2008, and it aims to decarbonise the sector fully by the end of the century. The shipping industry is facing up to the challenge, developing new fuels and stronger, environmentally-friendly practices. But with tighter rules and regulations on both a regional and global level to contend with, agreement on the best approach is not easy


Future Fuels

New LNG supply to help uptake as ship fuel

New LNG exports from the US and Middle East are expected to help the case for LNG as ship fuel, as the share of the fleet that can burn it grows and competition pushes down bunkering margins

Decarbonisation Sustainability

Alternative fuels challenge existing limitation framework for owners

Situation probably requires new rulebook. But that will take time

Decarbonisation Law

Shipowners face unlimited liability for alternative fuel spills, lawyers warn

Current array of conventions expressly designed for hydrocarbon bunkers

Decarbonisation Law

Wärtsilä’s record orderbook drives growth

The four-stroke specialist said it expected shipbuilding demand to remain high into 2025 compared to 2024

Sustainability Shipbuilding

CLdN seeks FuelEU pool partners

European shortsea ro-ro carrier CLdN is offering to pool FuelEU Maritime compliance with partner companies, spotting an opportunity in uneven access to biofuels and greener ships

Decarbonisation Fuels

Hanwha partners Baker Hughes to develop ammonia gas turbines

The latest partnership follows on from Hanwha Power Systems and Hanwha Ocean obtaining approval in principle in September 2023 from the American Bureau of Shipping to apply ammonia gas turbines to liquefied natural gas carriers

Decarbonisation Fuels

MOL takes delivery of first ‘green’ MPV

Mitsui OSK Lines said Prima Verde is the first vessel in the world to be made from green steel and use an MGO propulsion system

Decarbonisation Dry Bulk

Adnoc unperturbed by historically low LNG rates

A combination of long-term contracts and the promise of a supply glut on the horizon means newbuildings are not a concern for the Abu Dhabi-based company  

Tankers and Gas Decarbonisation

The EU’s business-friendly policy pitch is positive for shipping, if it works

The European Commission has laid out its policy plans for the next five years promising to help turn the continent’s economy around and shipping finds itself playing a central role. But while the direction is positive, the detail required to answer the difficult questions is yet to emerge

Decarbonisation Regulation

MAN to deliver first ammonia dual-fuel engines in early 2026

Two-stroke engine designer appears to be on track to deliver pilot ammonia-fuel engine for Eastern Pacific Shipping VLAC in the first quarter of next year

Decarbonisation Fuels

ZeroNorth reports first operating profit

The digital optimisation platform registered its first positive ebitda in December 2024 and said it expects to record positive earnings for the whole of 2025

Digitalisation Decarbonisation

Bahri and Petredec unite to meet Saudi Arabian LPG demand

Bahri, formerly the National Shipping Company of Saudi Arabia, has a 40% stake in LPG specialist Petredec

Tankers and Gas Saudi Arabia
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