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Keep informed with daily analysis and insight into shipping insurance to reduce risk, support reinsurance decisions,
manage investments and identify exposure within the maritime industry


Dark fleet crackdown looms as EU states consider stopping suspect ships

European Parliamentary resolution calls for shadow fleet ships to be restricted from EU waters including the English Channel, inspected for proof of insurance cover and for member states to seize illegal cargo without compensation

Sanctions Tankers and Gas

Gard book holding up despite softer hull renewals, Roppestad insists

Codan acquisition designed to rebalance Norwegian mutual’s portfolio

Insurance Denmark

Sompo eyes marine growth in Europe

Japan-owned carrier’s head of marine and specialty describes how long-term commitment is key to client confidence

Insurance Sustainability

Ukraine and dark fleet continue to test IMO’s political boundaries on Russia

Ukraine is pushing the IMO to take a politically charged approach as it seeks UN support in defending itself against Russia. However, a technical response toward security coupled with arguments about the risk of uninsured and unsafe shipping might prove to be the more effective form of diplomacy

Ukraine crisis Sanctions

Skuld sets out 2025 renewal pricing

Club seeks increase at lower end of forecast range for International Group, cancelled out by cashback

Insurance Norway

Trump 2.0 will be bad for shipping

There was no reason to believe America’s heartland would give the fortunes of our industry a second thought last Tuesday. And guess what? It didn’t

Sanctions Political Risk and Trade

West of England goes for renewal round rate hike

Mutual also reaches decision on FD&D

Insurance United Kingdom

P&I clubs are well versed in sustainability: American Club’s Hamilton

The American Club’s chief underwriting officer, Tom Hamilton, describes the 2024 protection and indemnity renewal, his market outlook and the path to sustainability

Insurance Decarbonisation

Gard to seek 4% premium increase offset by cashback

Owners with worst loss records likely to bear brunt

Insurance Gard
Insurance People

Claims-heavy policy year justifies rate hikes, P&I chiefs argue

‘If you’re a shipowner budgeting for insurance going forward, I’d have said, budget for increases in the next couple of years,’ says Britannia chief underwriting officer

Insurance Casualty
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