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Keep informed with daily analysis and insight into shipping insurance to reduce risk, support reinsurance decisions, manage investments and identify exposure within the maritime industry

Vessel calls resume at Hodeidah after Israeli air strike

ITF demands repatriation of abandoned seafarers who witnessed bombing, while Galaxy Leader crew still held hostage

Red Sea Risk Risk and Compliance

Rate hikes and supplementary calls boost Japan Club financial statements

Marine mutual highlights challenges facing insurers in wake of pandemic, including Ukraine invasion and Houthi assault on merchant vessels

Risk and Compliance Insurance

Over-reliance on war risk is ‘slippery slope’ for hull insurers, Allianz Commercial marine head warns

AI will help to make underwriting more enjoyable, with less time spent typing data into a spreadsheet and more time spent doing the job, argues Rich Soja

Risk and Compliance Insurance

Irregular AIS tracking seen with serial ‘spoofer’ Ceres I before Hafnia Nile collision

The collision between Ceres I and Hafnia Nile took place in eastern waters of Malaysia, which is a well-known area for storage and transfers of oil. At the time of the casualty, more than 40 ships were at anchorage. It is commonplace in this area for vessels to be detected switching off vessel trackers or spoofing their location

Sanctions Tankers and Gas

Skuld leads hull slip on Hafnia Nile blaze tanker

The other vessel involved in the Singapore collision is a VLCC carrying Iranian oil. It is ‘unlikely to be insured with the conventional market,’ according to underwriter sources

Insurance Tankers and Gas

Folding P&I war risk into mutual cover is ‘absolute no-no’ for time being, say clubs

Segment highly profitable thanks to conflicts in the Black Sea and the Red Sea. Some industry voices believe underwriters are using the proceeds to keep prices down as they fight for market share in the hull sector

Red Sea Risk Insurance

Solomon Trader ruling upholds pay-to-be-paid rule

‘Judgment confirms that, with clear enough wording, and, provided that they are properly incorporated into the policy terms, such clauses are legitimate and can be relied on by insurers,’ argues maritime law firm Campbell Johnston Clark

Law Regulation

West P&I creates new role of risk management director

Job will focus on challenges to industry posed by politics, regulation and compliance

Insurance People

War risk proceeds propping up hull market

Rates are twice as high in the Black Sea as the Red Sea, even though the risks appear far lower

Red Sea Risk Insurance

Known insurance for Russia-trading tankers plunges to fresh low in June

The number of tankers operating outside Western jurisdiction has risen, as oil prices continue to exceed the $60 per barrel cap imposed on Russian oil by the G7 and Australia 18 months ago

Sanctions Insurance

Red Sea war risk rates firmer after recent attacks

Saudi construction firms picking up additional insurance tab for vessels serving their needs on long-term time charters, underwriters believe

Red Sea Risk Insurance

The Lloyd’s List Podcast: The unintended consequences of sanctions

Navigating the rapid escalation of sanctions has proved to be a steep and expensive learning curve for P&I clubs as they try to enforce the unenforceable. They now walk a precarious regulatory tightrope through the dark fleet, which now presents a global threat in terms of uninsured risk. But if you think this is just a problem for the insurers — think again

Lloyd’s List Podcast Sanctions
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