The week in newbuildings
Lloyd’s List’s weekly update of the newbuiding pipeline, providing commentary across the shipping sectors
on the key orders and fleet programmes
Latest orders

The week in newbuildings: Ordering activity drops during Chinese New Year lull
Newbuilding contracts slowed in the past week with just four orders placed, all with Chinese shipyards

The week in newbuildings: High-value orders signed in boxship, cruiseship and gas carrier sectors
CMA CGM and SITC International each add containership newbuildings, while Denmark’s Celsius Shipping has ordered its 21st 180,000 cu m LNG carrier

The week in newbuildings: Ordering activity muted
Newbuilding ordering activity has been relatively quiet since the beginning of the year with 55 new ships being reported, compared with 92 in the same period last year

The week in newbuildings: Elbdeich Reederei adds to regional feeder boxship orderbook
Orders for two bulk carriers, two boxships, a pair of offshore construction vessels, three gas carriers and 12 tankers recorded in past week

The week in newbuildings: Vietnam’s Asia Pacific Shipping adds LRs to orderbook
Newbuilding contracts for one containership, two bulk carriers, a pair of general cargoships, five gas carriers and 12 tankers arranged in past two weeks

The week in newbuildings: Dry cargo sector dominates
The newbuilding orderbook for bulk carriers has reached 10.4% of the existing fleet in service, in deadweight terms. This is up from 8.8% in December 2023

The week in newbuildings: More boxships and bulkers
Newbuilding contracts for eight bulk carriers, 10 containerships and four suezmax tankers recorded in past week

The week in newbuildings: CMA CGM rumoured in talks for multiple mid-sized boxships
Up to 30 mid-sized boxships are rumoured to be under discussion for service with France’s CMA CGM for delivery by 2030

The week in newbuildings: Sirius Shipping boosts chemical tanker orderbook
Swedish chemical tanker and product tanker owner Sirius Shipping has signed newbuilding contracts for four 7,999 dwt chemical tankers at a Chinese shipyard. They add to two 15,000 dwt ships contracted in September 2023

The week in newbuildings: MPV orders on the rise
Vertom Group has boosted its orderbook for multipurpose cargo vessels at Indian shipyard Chowgule, while Navigare Shipping has contracted four MPVs from Dutch shipbuilder Thecla Bodewes

The week in newbuildings: Gas and tanker segments dominant
Newbuilding contracts for 20 tankers, five gas carriers and six containerships were reported in the past week with Chinese shipyards being the chief beneficiaries

The week in newbuildings: Containerships and gas carriers abound
Hapag-Lloyd has signed a much anticipated order for 24 containerships, while Maran Gas and Shandong Shipping both order large LNG carriers

The week in newbuildings: Boxship revival continues
Cosco, SITC and Wan Hai Lines are all confirmed to have boosted their existing containership orderbooks, while Hapag-Lloyd is set to confirm newbuilding contracts in the near future

The week in newbuildings: More big boxship orders signed
Maersk has contracted six ultra-large containerships in South Korea, while tonnage provider Seaspan has signed up for the same number of neo-panamax vessels in China
The week in newbuildings: energy shipping sectors make up lion’s share of orders
New orders were dominated by the offshore and tanker segments, while big orders are in the pipeline for Maersk and Grimaldi for containerships and ro-pax ferries respectively

The week in newbuildings: Tankers dominate ordering activity
Newbuilding contracts for one chemical tanker, two crude oil tankers and 12 product tankers recorded in the past week. Meanwhile, MISC confirms order for pair of liquefied natural gas carriers at South Korean shipyard
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