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Across the year, The Future of Shipping series will gather industry leaders, policy-makers, investors, financiers and sector experts to offer a unique programme of informed analysis and intelligent debate that will build into an industry playbook for a sustainable and profitable future.


The Covid-19 pandemic has fuelled the acceleration of shipping’s digitalisation, but collaboration, transparency and standardisation remain the key blockers to wider adoption.


Lloyd’s List explores decarbonisation strategies, data-led fleet analysis and policy proposals to help understand the near and long-term risk associated with this new era in maritime.


Discover how new technology has the potential to completely change the face of shipping, from customer engagement to entirely new ways of doing business.

Safety and Crew Welfare

The number of ship casualties and incidents may have steadied but shipping cannot take its eye off the ball. The pandemic revealed the shortcomings of the industry’s safety culture, while the crewing crisis showed attitudes towards seafarer welfare fall short of the mark. As shipping shifts to a zero-carbon future, the safety risks for ships and their crew will only increase.

Shipping’s Global Boardroom

As part of the Lloyd’s List Future of Shipping series, industry leaders were asked for their thoughts on what the shipping company of tomorrow looks like and what qualities shipping requires for maritime businesses.

2022 and Beyond

The agenda-setting event of the maritime calendar, gathering an exclusive panel of the industry’s leading lights along with Lloyd’s List and Lloyd’s List Intelligence experts to directly answer the critical questions shaping maritime markets.

Editorial Calendar

Our editorial calendar highlights the upcoming future of shipping events and reports