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Printed By


Bridget Diakun

Maritime Risk Analyst, Lloyd's List Intelligence


Bridget Diakun joined Lloyd’s List Intelligence in January 2022 as a data journalist. She initially worked on understanding the impact that the war in Ukraine had on commercial shipping in the Black and Caspian seas.

In 2023, she was named 'Multimedia Journalist of the Year' by the Seahorse Freight Association for her extensive investigation into the trade out of the occupied ports of Mariupol and Berdyansk.

Now a Maritime Risk Analyst, Bridget focuses on the intersection of geopolitics and commercial shipping. She assesses the impact of conflict on seaborne trade, how the maritime industry adapts to sanctions and investigates tactics used by vessels to disguise illicit activities.

Latest From Bridget Diakun

Russian strikes damage two vessels in Odesa

The attacks are the latest in a string of incidents where civilian ships are being struck during broader campaigns against Ukraine’s port infrastructure

Ukraine crisis Ports and Logistics

Bab el Mandeb and Suez transits hit fresh lows in September

International efforts to degrade the Houthis’ capabilities and to protect maritime trade have failed to deter the militant group’s attacks and have not been enough to get shipping to return to the Red Sea

Red Sea Risk Piracy and Security

Third ship struck in Ukraine within space of one week

Although vessels berthed in Ukrainian ports have always been at risk of becoming collateral damage, it is unusual for so many to be hit within such a short period

Ukraine crisis Piracy and Security

Russia’s attacks will not slow Ukraine’s maritime trade

‘The current prices are why it doesn’t make sense right now to trade with Ukraine, and while the latest attacks are widely spoken about, I’ve seen no consequences in terms of prices or insurance,’ said Filipe Gonzaga, managing director at Bryce, a Swiss agri-commodities trading firm

Ukraine crisis Dry Bulk

Highly unusual shipment from occupied Crimea a major red flag, say security experts

The shipment is the latest example of Russia being willing to use deceptive practices to sustain the transport of suspicious cargoes

Ukraine crisis Political Risk and Trade

Industry issues updated Red Sea transit guidelines

The Joint Industry Security Group of shipping industry associations has released ‘industry transit advice’ on Red Sea transits. No Houthi attacks have been reported to the UKMTO during the past two weeks, although the militants attempted to strike central Israel in the early hours of Friday

Red Sea Risk Risk and Compliance
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