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Union marches with Pride for greater workplace inclusivity

Nautilus International returns to London Pride for third year to support LGBT+ members and create safe work space for all

Union attended the LGBT+ Pride march in London in both 2016 and 2017

NAUTILUS International, the union for maritime professionals, is pushing forward with its diversity drive following a member motion calling for greater support of LGBT+ members and events.

The motion, put forward by first-time conference attendee Glen Burnett, was backed at the 2017 UK branch conference.

It followed Nautilus' support and attendance of the LGBT+ Pride march in London in both 2016 and 2017. The motion noted that attending these events had encouraged more members to take an active role in the Union. 

Danny McGowan, strategic organiser at Nautilus, said: It is important for LGBT+ people to know there is an organisation in the maritime industry, like Nautilus, they can contact if they want advice or support.

“Taking part in Pride in London helps us to demonstrate this, but it also helps us to show that the maritime industry is an industry open to everyone.

“We hope employers across the industry will help us to demonstrate LGBT+ diversity and inclusivity in shipping by marching with us this year.”

Nautilus said it will work with employers to create a safe, fair and supportive working environment that allows people to thrive in their career without feeling uncomfortable in their workplace.

The Union will take part in this year’s LGBT+ Pride parade in central London, on Saturday, July 7, with spaces for 40 members and friends.

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