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Helen Kelly

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The Interview: Dick Welsh, Isle of Man Ship Registry

Dick Welsh, the outgoing head of the Isle of Man Ship Registry, talks flag state responsibility in life and death situations – and being former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s pen pal

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Tilbury2 passes final hurdle

Consent comes through just weeks before construction is due to start on the multi-million pound port project

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Cargill targets male-only panels

Ocean Transportation business will consider including diversity criteria for event sponsorship

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Ferry ports offered cheap loans for no-deal Brexit upgrades

As the UK government struggles to defend the collapse of its £13.8m post-Brexit contingency contract with Seaborne Freight, it has emerged that attempts to shore up ferry port infrastructure with cheap loans have so far resulted in no ports taking up the offer

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Isle of Man Ship Registry's Mitchell gets top job

Dick Welsh is to retire after 13 years at the helm of fast-growing ship registry

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Shipping body calls on UK government to end ‘Brexit in-fighting’

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