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The Lloyd’s List Podcast: The case for ammonia as shipping’s fuel of the future

Listen to the latest edition of Lloyd’s List’s weekly podcast — your free weekly briefing on the stories shaping shipping

As part of our continuing quest to assess the options for shipping’s carbon-free future we’re looking at the case for ammonia this week. Joining our sustainability editor Anastassios Adamopoulos to discuss why NH3 should be at the heart of any shipowner’s strategy is Milton Bevington and Stephen Crolius of Carbon Neutral Consulting


THE chemical, used in household cleaners, smells foul and is toxic. But its energy density by volume is nearly double that of liquid hydrogen — its primary competitor as a green alternative fuel — and it is easier to ship and distribute.

This week we are talking ammonia — one nitrogen atom bonded to three hydrogen atoms.

That’s NH3 for the chemists among you.

This is the fuel that many hope can launch shipping into a zero-carbon future and it has garnered a lot of attention and scrutiny during the past couple of years as a result.

For some people ammonia is the fuel of the future. 

Joining the Lloyd’s List Podcast this week to make the case for ammonia are Milton Bevington and Stephen Crolius of Carbon Neutral Consulting, which recently published a report arguing that companies within the maritime sector should make ammonia a key part of their future business strategy to help them adapt to the energy transition.

Our Sustainability Editor Anastassios Adamopoulos spoke with them about why they’ve singled out ammonia and what shipping should look to learn from other businesses where ammonia use is prevalent.

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