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Latest From Lloyd’s List

IMO recognises seafarers for sea rescues

IMO has recognised ships that help rescue migrants as it laments ‘humanitarian tragedy’ of lives lost at sea

Safety People

Top 10 shipmanagers 2024

Shipmanagers are adjusting to a more complex industry by bringing new emissions and optimisation tech to market, investing in training future seafarers and finding ways to add value for owners. Market forces have favoured growth in the biggest players, though many have seen their tonnage tallies fall in 2024 as ships were sold into the dark fleet*

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Top 10 classification societies 2024

Rina’s Roberto Cazzulo took over chairmanship of the International Association of Classification Societies in January 2024, after two and a half years with LR’s Nick Brown at the helm. The world’s leading classification societies remain a key component in advancing the decarbonisation of shipping, while at the same time advancing standards and safety

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CMA CGM to help develop Saudi freight and logistics

CMA CGM signed an MOU with the Saudi transport and investment ministries to develop port and logistics projects during a visit to the country by French President Emmanuel Macron

Containers Ports and Logistics

Bulker sinks in Red Sea, prompting oil spill fears

The vessel ran aground on coral reefs off Quseer, Egypt on November 22, but efforts to salvage the bulker were disrupted by bad weather before it sank below the waterline 10 days later 

Dry Bulk Casualty

Lloyd’s List wins big at the Seahorse Awards

Lloyd’s List’s editorial team scoop gongs for multimedia, features and supply chain journalists of the year and receives the runner-up prize for maritime journalist of the year award

Tankers and Gas Dry Bulk
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