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Lloyd’s List

Latest From Lloyd’s List

Will it take a ‘Prestige’ moment to tackle the dark fleet threat?

The dark fleet poses a threat to shipping safety, but it may take a big, messy and very public European disaster to get that threat onto the political radar

Sanctions Lloyd List - The View

The Lloyd’s List Podcast: Why are we still talking about diversity?

Wista International president Elpi Petraki, International Chamber of Shipping secretary-general Guy Platten and IMO secretary-general Arsenio Dominguez all feature on this edition of the Lloyd’s List podcast, which asks why shipping is failing in its task to achieve gender equality

Lloyd’s List Podcast Crewing

Crew uncover drug smuggling operation on bulk carrier

A crew member on board panamax bulk carrier Jawor noticed that a seal was missing in a void space and discovered what is thought to be more than half a tonne of cocaine

Dry Bulk Piracy and Security

The week in charts: Alliance reshuffle carries contrasting fortunes | Container rates sink further | Carbon price decision going down to the wire

New alliance networks will bring sizeable new business for some ports and leave others missing out on lucrative loops, the end of US port strike means capacity control could once again become a key driving force, and MEPC82 left the critical decision on the type of the economic measure to MEPC83 in April

Containers Week in Charts

Fires nearly out on burning Sounion

Salvors boarded the stricken tanker in September once it was finally towed to safety more than three weeks after it was first attacked

Red Sea Risk Tankers and Gas

Shipping’s decarbonisation policy still requires a strong narrative to fly with all governments

The fact that a majority of governments now back a carbon levy for shipping is not enough. To create a global policy architecture to decarbonise the maritime sector will require a strong story to sell domestically and internationally

Sustainability Lloyd List - The View
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