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Latest From Lloyd’s List

The Lloyd’s List Podcast: Why are Chinese shipyards being brought out of retirement?

Our APAC and markets editors take a look at the shipbuilding industry and ask whether overcapacity is a genuine fear, or whether potential green regulation will stop history from repeating itself

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Sounion: shipping gets away with it again

Moral culpability for this casualty rests with the damn fools crazy enough deliberately to set a suezmax on fire. But television audiences might not have seen things like that

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South Korean shipbuilders adopt language-support technology to integrate foreign workers

SHI has developed a multi-language virtual reality simulation program for training tack welders, while HD KSOE is adopting artificial intelligence translation technology

Technology Technology and Innovation

Singapore to continue night container moves

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore said the move was part of its effort to review rules and regulations to reduce costs and turnaround times

Containers Singapore

UKMTO warns of impersonators calling for vessels to switch AIS on

The warning comes after a period of intense activity in the Red Sea in the past month, which has seen several vessels attacked and crude tanker Sounion left abandoned off Yemen

Red Sea Risk Piracy and Security

Gothenburg completes largest upgrade in 40 years

Arendal 2 has taken six years to complete and has been designed to take into account the relocation of Swedish shipping company Stena’s relocation of some operations from the city centre to the port

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