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The Lloyd’s List Podcast: Here’s what 2023 is going to look like

Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to all our listeners

The annual outlook edition of the Lloyd’s List podcast casts an eye over the forces that will be shaping the shipping sector next year and beyond



IT’S a tough gig making predictions about the future — but it’s that time of year where bold editorial types like to breathe deep the festive spirits, polish their crystal balls, embrace their inner Pythian oracle to offer their forecasts for the year ahead. 

As is now traditional, the Lloyd’s List editorial team have gathered around the microphone for an annual forecasting session, guided by regular Lloyd’s List Podcast host and editor, Richard Meade. 

This year’s outlook edition features predictions on the swing factors in tankers, the pivotal role of China and Ukraine, the state of the orderbook, union battles and of course the ever sexy world of marine insurance. 

Providing their views this week are:

  • Michelle Wiese Bockmann, our markets editor

  • Richard Clayton, our chief correspondent

  • Nigel Lowry, our Greece correspondent

  • Rob Willmington, our data and fleet specialist

  • Tomer Raanan, our man in the US

  • Cichen Shen, our Asia editor in Hong Kong

  • Bridget Diakun, our data Queen and Ukraine expert

  • David Osler, our law and insurance editor

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