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Iran hijacks Greece-owned VLCC

Altomare-owned Niovi taken by Iran while transiting Strait of Hormuz

This is the second tanker seized in seven days in retaliation for the US seizure of Iran-origin oil on a suezmax tanker now sailing for US

IRAN has hijacked a second tanker —  the very large crude carrier Niovi (IMO: 9292498) was seized by Islamic Revolutionary Armed Forces while transiting the Strait of Hormuz.

The US Navy’s Fifth Fleet announced the seizure.

The Panama-flagged vessel is beneficially owned by Altomare, according to the Lloyd’s List Intelligence database.

It is not known whether the VLCC is laden. Its last port call was tracked to dry docks at Port Rashid, Dubai.

The seizure comes after the April 27 hijacking of suezmax tanker Advantage Sweet.

The last signals from the tanker were at 0235 hrs GMT today.



The tanker had departed Dubai and was transiting towards the port of Fujairah in the United Arab Emirates when a dozen Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy fast-attack craft swarmed the vessel in the middle of the strait, according to the US Navy.

“The IRGCN subsequently forced the oil tanker to reverse course and head toward Iranian territorial waters off the coast of Bandar Abbas, Iran,” the report said.

Lloyd’s List has approached Altomare for comment.

The 2005-built tanker’s registered owner is Liberia-incorporated Grand Financing Company, with Smart Tankers Incorporated the ISM and technical managers, data show.

Altomare is believed to be ultimately controlled by Dimitris Bakos and Capt. Ioannis Kaimenakis and their family interests.



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