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August Braakman

Latest From August Braakman

Will carriers control shipping's digitalisation?

The Federal Maritime Commission will examine a joint venture on IT standards for the issuance of an electronic bill of lading. The outcome will be decisive in determining whether it raises antitrust issues or jeopardises the system of an open and competitive market for container shipping stakeholders

International Containers

Is digital leviathan a risk to fair competition in shipping?

State-of-the-art logistics solutions deployed by container shipping services raise antitrust issues for which the legal competition frameworks in both the US and the EU are not suited to deal with adequately

Europe North America

Consortia agreements need full access to data

Is access to data on vessel-sharing agreements fit for participating lines to make a proper and reliable self-assessment under EU antitrust law?

Europe Containers

Are vessel-sharing agreements fit for purpose in a digital age?

The Consortia Block Exemption Regulation was adopted in the pre-digital era of 2009. Today, the exchange of much more digital data presents a different landscape

Europe Containers

Can shipping chart a green course in a post-coronavirus climate?

An EU regulation covering the period 2020-2030 determines both the percentage by which the member states must collectively have restricted their greenhouse gas emissions in the next decade, and the annual linear limit value to be achieved by each individual member state

Europe Containers

Digitalisation and globalisation pose problems for competition authorities

As carriers move to end-to-end services, questions arise over whether the level of integration they require will breach competition regulations

Europe Containers
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