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Printed By


Carol Yang


Carol Yang is Lloyd’s List’s Shanghai-based team member.

She previously worked as a business news reporter for China Global Television Network in Beijing for six years, primarily covering macro-economy and policies.

She graduated from the University of Warwick in 2012 with a Master's degree in intercultural communication and studied data reporting at Columbia University in 2019.

Carol is fluent in Mandarin and English. Beyond her work hours, she enjoys reading, city walking and cycling.

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The contract also includes an option for an additional vessel with delivery in 2028

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Cosco Shipping’s auto transport JV to launch new South America route

Cosco holds exclusive rights at the Chancay terminal with a $3.5bn investment

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China’s dry bulk demands defy economic challenges

Although boosted by inventory build-up, Chinas dry bulk imports face oversupply concerns and a potential backlash from overseas markets

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Former CSSC financial executive faces bribery charge

A court in Shanghai has approved the arrest of Li, who has been handed over to prosecutors

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China Merchants Group’s Nanjing Tanker Corp to upgrade fleet with tanker quintet

The Nanjing-based shipowner orders one tanker from CMG’s Jinling-Dingheng and plans for four more from GSI

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