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Daniel Martin

Latest From Daniel Martin

Sanctions hopes short-lived

Increased trade and investment in Iran since lifting of sanctions has been subdued

Reinsurance Legal focus

US extends reach of sanctions into cyber space

Shipping companies should ensure their sanctions due diligence is updated to include checks against the full Specially Designated Nationals List

Piracy and Security Technology and Innovation

Industry viewpoint: The Jones Act — Time for repeal?

Increasing domestic pressure in the US might assist the TTIP negotiations and lead to easing of some restrictions but don't hold your breath

Regulation CMA

Legal focus: India-Iran oil and container trade developments

There have been significant political, legislative and judicial developments in the two months since Hassan Rouhani (pictured) was elected president of Iran. The diplomatic dialogue has been cautiously positive and includes nuclear talks in Geneva and various discussions at the UN General Assembly.

Legal focus Europe

Increasing sanctions against Iran: the impact on reinsurers

While politicians look anxiously at events in Tehran to see how the election of president Hassan Rouhani, Iran’s former head nuclear negotiator, will affect Iran’s nuclear and weapons of mass destruction programmes, commercial organisations, including insurers and reinsurers, must negotiate a patchwork of multijurisdictional trade sanctions against Iran, which are among the most onerous ever imposed against any country

Marine International
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