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Declan Bush

Multimedia Editor


Former Lloyd’s List sustainability editor Declan re-joined us in August 2023 as multimedia editor, overseeing our daily news and other digital output. Between his Lloyd’s List tours of duty, Declan covered distressed debt as a reporter with Reorg, an industry-leading financial newswire. He has also written for legal trade press and, before that, newspapers in his native Western Australia. When not checking the news, Declan plays guitar in London's blues music scene and buys more books than will ever have time to read.

Latest From Declan Bush

ETS difficulties persist nearly one year on

The EU Emissions Trading System is causing headaches almost a year since its expansion to shipping, with technical and legal issues still to be worked out

Decarbonisation Sustainability

Stop sending ships through the Red Sea, Marlin Luanda master tells owners

Master of a tanker struck by a Houthi missile in January has urged shipowners and operators not to risk crew safety by sending ships through the Red Sea

Red Sea Risk Tankers and Gas

Safety of future fuels under scrutiny at IMO

The International Maritime Organization is to resume talks on the safety of alternative fuels, including fixing gaps in regulations on swappable battery containers

Decarbonisation Sustainability

Trump tariffs a sign of chaos to come for shippers

Shippers risk wasting money by frontloading cargoes ahead of Trump tariffs that might not happen, Xeneta analyst Emily Stausboll warns

Containers Geopolitics

ETS charges to soar in January

The ramp-up of the EU Emissions Trading System, a planned reduction in allowances circulating in the carbon market and longer Cape of Good Hope voyages will drive up costs for carriers

Red Sea Risk Decarbonisation

Pollution per container has not reduced in past six years, T&E finds

Research by Transport & Environment found Europe’s containerships pollute as much per container as they did six years ago, according to EU shipping data

Decarbonisation Containers
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