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Printed By


James Baker

Container Shipping Editor


James has been working as a business journalist for more than 25 years in his native New Zealand and the UK which he now calls home.

He is currently Container Shipping Editor for Lloyd’s List, covering container carriers, terminals, shippers and regulation, having been a specialist reporter and editor for Informa during the past two decades.

Outside of containerships, James also has an interest in smaller vessels, and is a member of the Wafi Yacht Club.


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One Hundred Ports: Box lines struggled in 2023 with weak demand and low freight rates

The pandemic ordering spree came home to roost in 2023. It was only the Red Sea crisis that staved off a disaster for the sector

Top 100 Ports Containers

Cape of Good Hope transits down again as weather batters South African coast

Bad weather has seen transits round the Cape of Good Hope fall, with containerships and bulk carriers in particular avoiding the region

Dry Bulk Containers

Box volumes pick up at Rotterdam and Antwerp-Bruges

Despite a weak economic picture, container volumes are up in northern Europe’s leading box ports

Red Sea Risk Containers

FMC calls for more information from Gemini partners

The Gemini Co-operation is not due to launch operationally until 2025. But clearance by the US regulator has been delayed until further information is provided

Regulation Containers

Box rates dip as market pauses for breath

An early peak season has led to record volumes being shipped, driving up rates. While there is no immediate sign of a downturn, carriers may not have much further to run on this streak

International Containers

Bad weather hits alternative routing around Cape of Good Hope

Going south of Africa has become the default option for shipping avoiding the Red Sea. But even this comes with its own set of risks

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