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Printed By


Janet Porter

Chair of the Lloyd’s List Editorial Board


Janet Porter is an award-winning business journalist with extensive knowledge of the maritime industry, and in recent years a particular focus on the container shipping sector.

She chairs the Lloyd’s List Editorial Board, an independent panel of experts who provide guidance and advice to the editorial team to ensure the highest standards of journalism are maintained.

Prior to that, Janet was responsible for overseeing coverage of the global container shipping industry for two of the world's leading maritime publications, Lloyd's List and Containerisation International.

Janet has often been the first to report some of the industry’s ground-breaking events. She broke the story that AP Moller-Maersk was poised to take over P&O Nedlloyd, as well as the Danish group’s subsequent acquisition of Hamburg Süd, and has interviewed most of the chief executives of the world’s top container lines over the years.  

She was in overall charge of Containerisation International as it was fully integrated into the Lloyd’s List group. This included publication of a monthly magazine plus daily online news and analysis. At a time when box shipping was in the throes of the biggest upheaval in its 60 years history, CI provided the most comprehensive coverage available of all the changes taking place, and how these would affect the future shape of the industry.

Before joining Lloyd’s List, Janet was London correspondent and bureau chief for The Journal of Commerce, then a daily New York-based business paper that became part of the Economist Group, covering a broad range of industries from shipping, aviation, and surface transportation to insurance, regulation, and trade policy. She also managed a network of European correspondents.
Since retiring as executive editor in 2018, Janet has continued to contribute to Lloyd’s List.

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