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Printed By


Linton Nightingale

Deputy Editor


Linton is Lloyd's List's deputy editor. He is also editor of Lloyd’s List’s monthly special reports and annual publications, including our end of year ranking of the 100 most influential people in shipping. 

An award-winning journalist, he specialises in the global container market with a particular focus on Europe, writing regular market reports, features and commentaries, whilst keeping our readers up to speed with the latest breaking news from the box industry.

Prior to his position at Informa, Linton was editor of a respected maritime trade journal at a UK publication house.

Linton is also a diehard Tottenham Hotspur fan and proud father to his daughter Luna.


Latest From Linton Nightingale

Capacity overspill prompts further box rate erosion

Latest spot prices show persistence of downward trend over the last three months, as overstretched supply suggests little turn in fortunes ahead of the winter slack season

Containers Freight rates

Maersk chief Clerc stresses urgent need to close green fuel price gap as newbuilding orders imminent

Danish carrier reveals growing frustration over green fuel scarcity upon christening the fifth of its 25 dual-fuelled methanol boxships. Meanwhile, the second largest operator of containerships is expected to sign newbuilding contracts soon for a new series of ultra-large containerships

Decarbonisation Containers

Self-styled ‘new sheriff in town’ declares the long-awaited government plan on cleaning up UK shipping is imminent

The UK’s Clean Maritime Plan has achieved notoriety owing to the number of times its launch has been hyped up only for nothing to happen. The minister responsible now says the timescale for its release is ‘very shortly’

Decarbonisation Sustainability

Alliance reshuffle carries contrasting fortunes for European and Med port majors

The announcement of new alliance networks in 2025 on the trunk Asia-Europe trade will bring sizeable fresh business for ports increasing their call quota, while others will be counting the cost of missing out on lucrative loops

Containers Ports and Logistics

Ocean congestion driving shippers to costly air freight

Supply chain woes in the ocean segment see shippers reach to the reliable skies

Containers Aviation

Saudi ports bear brunt of lines’ Red Sea contingency plans

Carriers’ dual east-west trade offerings for 2025 show Jeddah and King Abdullah as the ports that stand to lose the most from sustained rerouting around the Cape of Good Hope

Containers Ports and Logistics
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