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Liz McMahon

Latest From Liz McMahon

P&I opinion: leading practitioners share their views

Club chiefs questioned on six key topics

Insurance Europe

Clock is ticking on Enrica Lexie case

India must decide whether to invoke death penalty laws within a week

Piracy and Security Regulation

Isis crew receive back pay but await money for repatriation costs

ITF has set Derna Carriers a five-day deadline to pay outstanding costs

Crewing Regulation

Five suspected pirates transferred to Seychelles for prosecution

International court has prosecuted 33 to date

Piracy and Security Regulation

Europe wants mandatory standards for armed guards

ISO 28007 will not create a level playing field if member states remain unwilling

Piracy and Security Regulation

Members give North and Sunderland Marine merger the go-ahead

Sunderland will operate a subsidiary company

Insurance Europe
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