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Printed By


Megawati Wijaya

Senior Reporter, Singapore

Megawati is a Lloyd's List senior reporter based in Singapore.

She has more than 12 years of experience in business and financial journalism. Prior to joining Lloyd's List, she was a senior reporter at Debtwire, covering distressed debt, restructuring, and special situations in Indonesia and Singapore. Before that, she was a senior correspondent with Metal Bulletin, reporting on Southeast Asia's steel and base metals news and prices.

As a freelance contributor for Asia Times Online, she has reported on Singapore's watershed general election 2011, the Saffron Revolution in Myanmar, and the discrimination faced by the LGBT community in Indonesia, among others.

Megawati has a Postgraduate Diploma in Journalism and Media Studies from Rhodes University, and a Bachelor of Business Administration from the National University of Singapore. She speaks English, Bahasa Indonesia, Malay, and some Mandarin, and is learning Oriya.

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Singapore receives first emissions-certified LNG cargo

Singapore has received its first LNG cargo which comes with a statement of greenhouse gas emissions. Jointly published by Pavilion Energy, QatarEnergy and Chevron, the methodology for awarding the certificate seeks to become a common standard to measure, report and verify GHG emissions along the LNG value chain to drive greater transparency on decarbonisation measures

Tankers and Gas Sustainability

Japanese consortium has ammonia-fuelled engine test success

A Japanese project has successfully completed the combustion of ammonia fuel on land. This advance paves the way to install an ammonia-fuelled engine on a tug for domestic sailing

Sustainability Fuels

Wallem banks on 120-year experience to tackle modern challenges

Wallem chief executive John-Kaare Aune shares with Lloyd’s List the firm’s approach to tackling pertinent issues such as crew management, alternative fuel, competition among shipmanagement firms, and the outlook for China’s economy

Ship Management Crewing

Singapore’s bunker sales continue rising in April

Lower fuel prices in Singapore compared with Zhoushan, China helped to drive bunker demand

Bunkers Singapore

MISC vice-president appointed chief executive at subsidiary AET

Malaysia’s tanker specialist MISC has announced leadership changes at its petroleum shipping subsidiary AET. The company is prioritising leadership continuity to drive the organisation’s long-term success, it says

MISC People

PSA subsidiary buys out Saudi Arabia joint venture logistics operation

PSA BDP has taken over the full ownership of its joint venture operations with local conglomerate Yusuf Bin Ahmad Kanoo in Saudi Arabia

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