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Printed By


Nidaa Bakhsh

Senior Markets Reporter


Nidaa Bakhsh joined Lloyd’s List in September 2015 to beef up dry bulk coverage as part of the editorial expansion that saw six other reporters join globally. She is responsible for weekly market commentaries for capesize, panamax, supramax and handysize bulkers, as well as company news related to dry bulk owners and operators. She also dips into offshore analysis, wet markets, port news and containers when the need arises. 

Nidaa is a seasoned reporter and joins us from Bloomberg News where she covered energy companies and oil, refining markets for almost eight years. Before that, she covered the petrochemicals sector at Platts, a unit of McGraw Hill, for over four years covering price assessments for aromatics, methanol, and styrenics.

She started her career in trade journalism in 2001, covering European power and natural gas markets at PH Energy, founded by Patrick Heren, before the publication was sold to Icis-Heren.

Nidaa was born in Zimbabwe and speaks fluent French and some German. She enjoys travelling, gardens and baking.

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Lending for dry bulk deals stutters

Banks and debt funds have cooled on dry bulk financing deals against a backdrop of weak earnings and high asset prices. However, the music has not stopped for tankers, says Hamburg-based Oceanis

Finance Containers

Russian fertiliser exports boost tonne-mile for bulkers

Russia has been shipping fertilisers to China, India and Brazil in a trade flow shift away from Europe, boosting tonne-miles and benefiting panamaxes the most

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Golden Ocean says dry bulk market remains fundamentally strong

Golden Ocean expects improvements throughout the rest of the year and into 2024 as demand continues to recover and fleet growth slows

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Capesizes slump below $10,000 per day

A combination of factors including easing congestion, faster turnaround times at Chinese ports and weakening sentiment related to China’s property sector have added to pressure on the capesize market, which has slumped 39% since the start of August

Dry Bulk Capes

Klaveness Combination Carriers expects to continue positive run in second half

Higher contract earnings for ships carrying caustic soda helped earnings, but the product tanker business fared worse in a weaker market

Dry Bulk Tankers and Gas

Globus orders two more ultramaxes in fleet renewal drive

The vessels, scheduled for delivery in 2026, have been contracted at a cost of $75.5m, which will be funded through debt and equity

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