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Richard Clayton

Chief correspondent

I joined Informa at the end of June 2017 from IHS Fairplay. My role now, as it was for the past two years at IHS, is to bring more than 30 years’ experience in maritime journalism to the business. This means I won’t just be writing opinion and insight pieces for the various sites, newsletters, and magazines, I will also be connecting with our colleagues in sales, marketing, and events to help build our presence. I have experience in chairing round table discussions, seminars and webinars, business and breakfast briefings; I have delivered keynote speeches at IMO events and shipping organisation events; I have written white papers on topics such as annual previews and key trends in the industry; and spoke to small groups both in-house and externally to set out how I think shipping is evolving.

My wife and I run a small Bed & Breakfast business in the beautiful Wye Valley, where we welcome walkers on the Offa’s Dyke Path, visitors to the England/Wales border, and friends who are passing through.

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John Rowley to replace John-Kaare Aune as Wallem Group CEO

John-Kaare Aune is to step away from his position as CEO at Wallem. He will be replaced on January 1, 2024, by John Rowley, formerly of Lloyds Register and currently with the National Sanitation Foundation in Hong Kong

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India leads rising demand for oil in Opec outlook

Opec puts forward two scenarios, one that sees technology playing a part in limiting the global temperature increase, and another that anticipates higher economic growth for developing countries

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Kongsberg focuses on Gen Z as skills shortage bites

Kongsberg Maritime President Lisa Haugan is figuring out how to attract the right skillsets to get decarbonisation over the line

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Glenn Murphy drives transformation at shipbrokers’ institute

Educating the next generation of shipbrokers remains at the heart of the ICS, however refreshing its objectives was long overdue. So, too, was control over finances

Brokers People

Why shipping’s failure to learn safety lessons must change

A UK Chamber of Shipping conference has heard that the ISM Code is no longer good enough. It is time to stop pretending to learn from incidents and start learning from what is going right

Sustainability Safety

Inmarsat blasts ‘unacceptable’ tolerance of preventable errors

A new report reveals an increase in the number of distress calls, especially from tankers and containerships. The same types of accident are reported year after year, but investigations point to human error

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