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Printed By


Rob Willmington

Markets Editor


Rob has two decades of experience in maritime data, research & analysis and feature writing. He has contributed to numerous B2B maritime publications including Fairplay, Fairplay Solutions, Safety at Sea, JOC and Containerisation International. In addition, he has been involved in various research projects including the IHS Markit multiclient study: ‘What bunker fuel for the high seas?'.

Rob has a particular interest in global shipbuilding, ship design and technology and vessel supply matters in the container, cruise/ferry, dry cargo, ro-ro, vehicle carrier and tanker vessel sectors.

Latest From Rob Willmington

Scrubber-fitted boxship fleet exceeds 40% for first time

As the introduction of more scrubber-fitted newbuildings has surged since January there has been a significant improvement in the price spread between high-sulphur fuel oil and low-sulphur fuel oil

Containers Technology and Innovation

Ship recycling volumes remain muted but notable upturn in bulk carrier and tanker scrap sales

Seven bulk carriers and three containerships were recycled in August, but no tankers have arrived at recycling beaches since May. The offshore and general cargo segments are providing the majority of ships for demolition, according to Lloyd’s List Intelligence data

Dry Bulk Containers

Kaiko Systems launches new AI shipmanagement tool

‘While AI technology has been the hot topic of the year, no other company in maritime has launched a product that directly and in real time supports technical management teams,’ Kaiko Systems chief executive Fabian Fussek said

Technology Technology and Innovation

Indian ship recyclers hammered by cheap steel, depreciation and ship shortage

A surge in imported finished and recycled steel, together with a lack of ships being circulated for scrap, means that just 20% of Alang’s 120 ship recycling yards are operational

Containers Dry Bulk

The week in newbuildings: HD Hyundai Mipo wins multiple orders

South Korea’s HD Hyundai Mipo wins orders for two LPG tankers, a pair of LNG bunkering vessels and two product tankers, all from European owners

Week in Newbuildings Dry Bulk

Secondhand boxship sales on the rise but recycling remains muted

The containership sale and purchase market is picking up after the summer slowdown, with MSC continuing to snap up ships. Meanwhile, there is little sign of any upturn in boxship recycling because of relatively high secondhand values, due to strong demand for tonnage

Containers Sale and Purchase
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